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Sheffield Coal-mine, Sheffield.-An adit had been partly driven toward the sft seam found m prospectmg-shaft, but was not being persevered with Homebush Colliery, Glentunnel.-Viewed the several openings and outlets at outcrops of seams being worked by parties of miners on a contract basis with the owners. Timbering an,/nie ho," working were being conducted safely. The Government diamond drill was at the seven h lore TroonffflS "/" of \ T; ,rkablc seam of ooal All '™ d N< »- ' »«-«™ foi'fo'-a ; ;,r i ,OUU lb. ot explosives for use at the mine. jj*. miens Coal-mine, White CUffs, -Another drive put ii dllside, to which the steam plant had been moved, to recover a small known area of seam left at former working. Tripp's Coal-mine, Mount Somers.—YiMw and head coal now practically exhausted, and this part of the property almost worked out. Wright's old mine-workings had been reopened and there was a sufficient quantity of coal in sight to provide output at current rate for at least two years, with a reasonable prospect of much more coal behind the barrier left at first working. Woolmer's Coal-mine, Mount Somers.— Working suspended throughout the year. Alhury Coal-mine, Albury.— The old fire had broken out again, and it appeared now to have taken possession of the pillared ground, so that the entrance may not be of further use for output. Stoppings put in could not be kept tight owing to the broken nature of the ground and he remedy is to allow the ground to fall and fill in to smother the fire in the waste. A shaft had been sunk to the dip, and an adit was being driven to the seam on which the shaft had bottomed. _ Allanholme Coal-mine, Waihao Forks.— Seam 15 ft., worked bord-and-pillar system Ventilation good. Meadowbank Coal-mine, Waihao Forks.— Two men employed. Seam 15 ft.; drive 50 ft to face; shaft to be sunk on the terrace for ventilation. St. Andrew's Coal-m.ine, Papaka,io.—A new entrance driven to the outcrop of the seam formerly worked by Mr. Nimmo. Prince Alfred Coal-m.ine, Papakaio. —A small mine worked for supply of local requirements. Ngapara Coal-mine, Ngapara. —A small mine worked for supply of local requirements. Shag Point (old) Mine, Shag Point. —New stone drive, down 90 ft., to tap seam known to continue, will cut off connection with old workings. Shag Point Coal Company's Coal-mine, Shag Point. —Extension of the branch railw.ay-line from Shag Point railway junction completed fo loading-bank near mine-mouth., where fixed screens had been erected dividing the coal into three classes. The new stone drive, 460 ft. in length, hud been finished, and a double line of rails was being laid for jig haulage to mine-mouth. A double-inlet Sirocco fan, 18 in. diameter, provided for ventilation. Larsen and Brown, Kyeburn.—A small opencast pit held under lignite license. Coal Creek Coal-m.ine, Coal Creel!, Flat. —Operations suspended meanwhile. McPherson's Coal-mine, Coal Creek Flat. —Pit in good working-order. Water had been brought in for stripping and keeping down spontaneous fire, to which the seam has been liable. Alexandra Coal-m,ine, Alexandra,. —Working-places had been driven narrow throughout, and the benefit of so doing is now appreciated, as the soft and tender roof was proving incapable of adequately supporting the ovcrlving strata of 300 ft. or more. Splitting pillars and robbing of as much available coal as possible with safety to workmen. Cambrian Coal-mine, Cambrian. —Pit flooded, and no evidence of recent working. Stripping had become enormously heavy, which with wafer-drainage from natural inflow had rendered the pit unprofitable. Morgan Brothers, Cam,brian. —ln the process of gold-mining the seam of lignite was exposed underlying the auriferous wash. Application for a lignite license was made and subsequently granted. Laudervale Coal-mine, Cambrian. —Pit in good working-order; stripping kept ahead of coal-face, which will, however, soon require to be worked by underground mining. St. Bathan's Coal-mine, St. Bathan's. —Opencast pit, worked for supply of local demand. Hough Ridge Coal-mine, Otiireliuu. —Stripping and getting lignite above water-level. This pit was nearly worked out. Idabnrn Coal-mine, Ofurehna.. —The recent flood had drowned the old pit in the watercourse of the creek. Opening in a new place on the " Freehold," where stripping shallow. Oturehua Goal-m,ine, Ofurehna. —Opencast pit recently reopened for output, workings in good order. Cromwell Coal-mine, Cromwell. —Lower levels continued to right, and left of dip haulage-way. Water inflow small as compared with former workings, between which and this mine there remained several chains of solid coal as shown on the mine-plans. Shepherd's Creek, Coal-m,ine, Bannockburn. —Pillar- and head-coal extraction continued safely. Gibson's Coal-mine, Bannockburn',. —Working discontinued and mine flooded. Cardrona, Coal-mine, Cardrona. —After a great deal of strenuous work removing stripping and overburden the coal-seam does not appreciably improve, as deserved by the conscientious tenant in occupation of this Crown lease. Gibbsfon, Coal-mine, Gibbston. —Spontaneous fire in the old workings had been reported as under control. Nevis Coal-mine, Nevis (E . ,7. Williams). —No work had been done this season. Nevis Crossing Coal-mine, Nevis. —Opencast workings on vertical scam. Coal being mined to a depth of 20 ft.' and 8 ft. width.