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The distance between holing props and sprags, also between face-sprags, is 5 ft., in accordance with Special Rule 36. The penalties for a breach of the regulations for the first offence shall not exceed a fine of £5, and for a second or subsequent offence shall not exceed a fine of .£lO. ((/.) Permitted Explosives. | Regulations 128 to 134 inclusive.] Since the regulations enforcing the use of Home Office permitted explosives came into operation in New Zealand, in June, 1915, mine-owners have been fortunate in being able to obtain an adequate supply. In this Dominion no other than permitted explosives are allowed to be used in mines in which inflammable gas has been found, and with the exception of the explosive " ligdynite" no other than a Home Office permitted explosive is allowed in a mine which is not naturally wet throughout. A decision was given in April, 1919, in the Hamilton (Scotland) Sheriff Court, in the case of the Inspector of Mines v. Lanyon and White, that a mine which is naturally wet but lias some dry parts is not naturally wet throughout, and that under the United Kingdom regulation (which is identical with that of New Zealand) unless a mine is naturally wet throughout no explosive other than a permitted explosive may be used. The United Kingdom Explosives in Coal-mines Order of the 14th November, 1919, issued by the Home Secretary, which amends the Explosives in Coal-mines Order of Ist September, 1913, and subsequent Orders, came into force on the Ist January, 1920, from which date all previous Explosives in Coal-mines Orders amending the schedules to the Order of the Ist September, 1913, are revoked. The following tables show the explosives that have passed the Rotherham test, with particulars of their composition, &c. : —

First Schedule.

Second (A) Schedule.†

Name of Explosive. Name of .Makers. Permissible i>„.,.i,.i nm . Mivminni r cnuilllllllDetonator. Ammonite Ammonite No. 1 No. 5 .. Bellite No. 1 Negro Powder No. 2 Koburito No. 4 Denaby Powder Expedite Kentite New Fortex Ammonium-nitrate Group. Miners' Safety Explosives Company (Limited) . . Lancashire Explosives Company (Limited) lloburito and Ammonal (Limited) British Westfalite (Limited) .. Eaplosives and Chemical Products (Limited) Rritisli WestI'alitc. (Limited) .. Explosives and Chemical Products (Limited) 18 I 2-44 24 2-42 20 2-41 20 2-74 20 2-21 18 2-86 18 2-74 32 2-62 18 2-64 It) 2-61 6 7 (i 6 7 7 6 7 a 6 Samsonite No. 2 No. 3 •Super-Hippite Cambrite No. 2 Essex Powder Haylite No. 2 du Pant Permissible No. 1 Dynobel No. 3 No. 4 Haylite No. 3 Monarkite Monobel No. 1 A2 Monobel Rex Powder Scamex Stomonal No. I No. 2 Super-Cliffite No. 2 .. Super-Exeellite No. 3 Viking l'owder No. 1 No. 2 Thames Powder No. 2 Nilro-ylycerine Group. Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited) Curtis's and Harvey (Limited) Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited) Explosives and Chemical Products Company (Limited) National Explosives Company (Limited) E. 1. du Pout do Nemours and Company Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited) National Explosives Company (Limited) Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited) Cotton Powder Company (Limited) Explosives and Chemical Products Company (Limited) New Explosives Company (Limited) Curtis's and Harvey (Limited) Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited) British Explosives Syndicate (Limited) 26 2-49 21 2-42 18 2-53 24 2-00 38 217 IS -96 IS 2-82 18 2-50 30 2-35 l(i 2-44 18 2-30 10 2-81 22 2-44 20 2-61 36 2-51 3 (i 6 6 6 7 (i (i 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 20 2-68 30 2-57 30 2-53 36 2-73 ; 26 2-44 18 2-59 32 2-78 22 2-59 6 6 li 6 6 (i 6 6 Second Schedule.* Name of explosive : Bobbinito.

Name of Explosive. Name of Makers, Permissible Maximum Charge in Ounces. Detonator. Ligdynite.. . ■ • • Cape Explosives Works (Limited) .. .. 18 0 * Permitted for the purpose of bringing down coal in certain mines, and only until the 31st December, 1920. + Permitted only in mines in which file-damp has not been reported for three years. This explosive has passed the Rotherham teat but Is not on the Homo Office Explosives in Coal-mines Order, being the only explosive permitted in New Zealand winch is not on sueli Order.