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COLLING WOOD. Only one return was sent in, and this was for less than 3 oz. HOWARD DIGGIXUS. The number of men here shows a further shortage, only eight being reported as at work. :\o Iresh hnds have been made. UURCfUSON. Hunter's, at Mafakifaki, and Beilby and Richardson's claim at Horse Terrace, continue to operate, the yield of gold being slightly higher than last year. Addison's plat. On this field mining improved, gold to the value of £4,259 lis. 7d. being recovered as against £1,406 15s. 9d. in 1918. Of this Addison's Limited produced ill oz. Odwt., valued at £1,615, and Mouat and party 371 oz. 9 dwt., valued at £1,462. CHARLESTON. Powell's beach claim produced gold to the value of ,£5BO. This was the only return of any consequence. GREY VALLEY. Ilochslelter Goldfields (Limited). —The construction of the tunnels was completed, the tailrace was cut, and sluicing operations were started towards the end of the year. An average of thirteen men were employed. So far actual sluicing operations have not been sufficiently long in progress to enable the possibilities of the claim to be estimated. During the short period worked 252 oz. 15 dwt. of gold was recovered, valued at £992. The drey Valley Sluicing Company, at Goat Terrace, recovered gold to the value of £487, and McViear and Hurley, at .Moonlight Creek, won £770 worth. From Nelson Creek Donnellan Bros, report 100 oz., valued at £395. Several other claims worked, but the returns were very small. BARRYTOWN. The liarrytown Hydraulic Sluicing Company worked steadily, producing gold to the value of £1,810. KUMARA. On the Ivuuiara, Coldsboroiigh, Stafford, and Callaghan's fields the productions showed a slight improvement, a recovery of 1,375 oz. being reported, valued at £5,428. The principal producers were Morgan Bros. (175 oz.), Link-later (332 oz.). and Blackmun (255 oz.), at Stafford; Havill Bros. (130 oz.), at Callaghan's; Stubbs and Steel (132 oz.), at Argus Terrace; R. Kean (154 OZ.), and the llohonii Diamond Terrace Sluicing Company (103 oz.), at Greenstone. HOKITIKA. li tstland Prospecting Syndicate. —The head-race was completed and sluicing was started bile in the year. Results were, however, not nearly as good as expected, and work was temporarilyslopped. Itunii Options.- —lt is now reported that the American investors who for some time past have been further testing the ground by means of Keystone drills and shafts have exercised their option, and intend to put a large modern dredge at work there. A new company is being formed in America in connection with the venture, and its representative is expected to arrive on the field early in the new year. As it is certain that a large amount of gold is in the Rimii Hats, it is to be hoped that a suitable plant will now be provided to enable it to be recovered. A few other claims produced gold to the total value of £3,066, the largest producers being the Rimu Sluicing Company (391 oz.), and Brookes and party (230 oz.), at Ri'mu. RBBFTON. As during last year, Sewell's claim at Merrijigs was the only produoer of any note. At Antonio's the Antonio's Gold-mining Company (Limited) recovered 51 oz. This company has some good ground, hut has experienced much difficulty in getting a supply of water to it. A lot of expense has been gone to in this respect, for a dam on the head-race has broken away several times, causing much delay. Further efforts will be made to strengthen it. When this trouble is overcome the company should obtain some satisfactory returns for their perseverance. Accidents. Four fatal accidents occurred (luring the year at the metal-mines or dredges under my supervision. 23rd April: Three dredgemen. John Rrosnahan. William (,'rysell, and Thomas Reynolds, fell ihit of one of the boats belonging lo a dredge and were drowned in the Ahaura River. IHh December: Leonard S. Humphries, contractor to and part-owner of the Dominion Consolidated Mine at Wakamari na, received fatal injuries lo his head by falling down a rise in which In- was working. Full details of these accidents are contained in the tabulated remarks of the Inspecting Engineer of Metalliferous Mines. No serious non-fatal accidents were reported during the year.