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Number of Subsidized Prospectors, Amount of Subsidy granted and paid, also the Character and Result of such Prospecting Operations from the 1st April, 1919, to 31st March, 1920.

I > Name of Prospecting Party. .Number Amount of nistanee uf Pro- Locality of Operations. Amount of Subsidy granted. Subsidv Nature of Claim, specters. expended. driven. Number :rl j Amount of ~ ....... I rNarae of Prospecting Party. i si .> umoer of Protectors. ir | ■ | Locality of Operations. Amount of Subsidy granted. Amount oi j-. Subsidy " "SKS? laim. Character of Operations. Remarks. ' jMictors. " expended. Q ! |_ _ • ._ ! I I .j. Northern Inspection District. Waititngi Gold-mining Company C. Wells and G. Riythe John Anderson and Son J. McClair and mate C. and J. Ca rroll Lindsiy and Strongman Glass and Calder A. and H. McNeil Regan and Sullivan Madill and Andrews Campbell Bros. Ohinemuri Gold and Silver Mines Wilson and Sadgrove Kuranui Gold-mining Company .. Rising Sun Gold-mining Company 12 4 4 12 Thames .. £166 13s. 4d., at 6s. 8d. per foot Cabbage Bay .. £39, at £1 10s. a week eich for three months Waikoromiko .. £36, at £1 10s. a week each for three months Thames .. £66 13s. 4d., on 200 ft. \ driving at 6s. 8d. Kuaotunu .. £39, at £1 10s. a week ereb for three months Matawai .. £33 6s. 8d., on 100 ft. driving at fis. 8d. Taupo .. .. : £51, at £1 10s. a week each for four months ('(iromandel .. £66 13s. 4d., on 200ft. driving at 6s. 8d. Tokatea .. £50, on 150 ft. driving at 6s. 8d. Miihakirau .. £39, at £1 10s. a week each for three months I'uru .. £39, at £1 10s. a week each for thrpe months Maratoto .. £100, on 300 ft. driving at 6s. 8d. W'ailaia.. .. j £39, at £1 10s. a week each for three months Tararu .. .. £166 13s. 4d., on 500 ft. driving at 6s. 8d. .. £100, on 300 ft. driving at 6s. 8d. Owharoa .. £100, on 300 ft. driving at 6s. 8d. £ s. d. 100 0 0 (i 0 0 36 (I 0 13 6 S 12 0 0 10 0 0 24 0 0 13 (i 8 16 li 8 27 0 0 12 0 0 100 0 0 166 13 4 56 13 4 Ft. 300 Quartz 40 Quartz 30 Quartz 40 Quartz 300 Quartz 500 Quartz 170 Driving . .. j Driving on 4ft. lode. Average assay value, £1 per ton. Surface prospecting Several lodes intersected. Picked samples assayed £3 per ton. „ l Nothing payable discovered. Driving .. Driving crosscut to intersect lode. Work in progress. Surface prospecting After working one month operations suspended. Driving .. Small lode intersected. Gold freely seen in quartz broken. Surface prospecting Work in progress. Driving .. Lode intersected. Values low „ . . Work in progress. No discovery of importance made. Surface prospecting Work in progress. Nothing payable discovered ,, Several reefs located, some giving high assay values. Crosscutting .. Reef 24 ft. wide intersected. For average assay value see Inspector's report, Annexure A. Surface prospecting Work in progress. Driving .. Lode intersected. Cold frequently seen. No important discovery made ,, In progress. ,, .. Crosscutting for lode. Work in progress. West Coast Inspection District. Alpine Consols P. J. Larkin and party Rlackwater Miners' Association .. H. F. Chaffey.. Fiddes and Doolan Howat and Hyndman 4 3 6 2 £ s. d. Lyell .. Enchanted Creek.. 100 0 0 Waiuta .. .. 200 0 0 Takaka .. .. 100 0 0 Ahaura . . .. 48 0 0 Woodstock .. 100 0 0 51 13 4 100 0 0 63 0 0 12 0 0 42 15 0 155 Quartz Alluvial Quartz Asbestos Quartz 342 Alluvial Driving .. Driving low-level tunnel on reef-track. Nothing of value found. Surface prospecting Prospecting to develop a sluicing claim. ,, General prospecting. No discovery of any value. ,, : Prospecting for asbestos. „ General prospecting. Number of small reefs located ; none of special value. Driving .. ■ Driving preparatory to blocking out ground at ■ Brighton Terrace.