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Appropriations for Public Works Services.

CLASS XXVI.—ROADS, ETC.— continued.

[tern 1920-21 MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS— continued. VOTE No. 36— continued Roads, etc. — continued. Whangarei Road District —continued. Mangafcaniwha, Block VI (access) Mangonui Mangatoetoe (£250, £1 for £1) Mangonui Beach Eoad (£1 for £1) Oruru-Fern Plat to Mangamuka Eoad ,, Oruru to Garton's Corner .. „ Oruru-Taipa Road (£1 for £1) Otukai to Mangatete, via Creamery „ Beserve Otukai No. 2 Bridge (Otukai to Mangatete, via Creamery Eeserve) Paranui to Otukai ,, Puhata Valley Road (£1 for £1) Pukeputo Stream Bridge (Ahipara- ,, Raitaia Eoad), (£1 for £1) Eaetea Eoad (£1 for £1) .. ,, Bead's Eoad .. „ Spain's Eoad (£1 for £1) ,, Stoney Creek to Mangonui (£1 for £1) ,, Taipa to Mangonui (£100, £1 for £1) Takahue Survey District Block VI , ,, (access Sections 13, 15, and 16), (£1 for £1) Takahue to Broadwood , Te Eore Creek Bridge Te Bore to Victoria Valley (£100, £1 for £1) Unahi (£1 for £1) Waikainga Eiver bridges (Oruru-Fern ,, Flat-Mangamuka Eoad) Wainui Junction to Herekino (£1 for £1) ,, Waipapakauri to Houhoia (£1 for £1) ,, Mangamuka to Victoria Valley Mangonui and Hokianga Takahue Saddle Eoad Ditto Auckland Borough Endowment Road Hokianga (£1 for £1) Auckland Special Settlement to Wai- ,, mamaku (£1 for £1) Awaroa Landing Boad ,, Blundell Boad .. ,, Bolton's Bridge (Rawene), (£1 for £1) Broadwood to Herekino (£320, on ,, account of £688, £1 for £1) Broadwood to Karae Landing (£1 for £1) ,, Broadwood to Motukaraka (£250, £1 ,, for £1) Broadwood to Takahue (£200, £1 for £1) Church Eoad „ Goodwin's Bridge (Taita Eoad), (£1 for £1) Grayson's Bridge (Bangiahua-Manga- ,, muka-Victoria Valley Eoad) Harnett's Eoad ... ,, Horeke to Ivy dale ... ,, Horeke to Eangiahua ... ,, Horeke to Taheke (via Section 1, ,, Block XII, Mangamuka Survey District) Humphries Bridge (Humphries Eoad), ,, (£2 for £1) Irvine Boad .. .;•• ,, Ivydale to Motukiore ... ,, £ 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 50 450 125 1,200 200 250 194 34 200 8S ; ; i6 37 568 200 300 38 89 40 41 42 43 50 100 50 250 200 50 44 45 46 217 200 275 47 48 500 900 49 50 51 200 100 600 52 53 200 200 54 113 55 56 57 58 50 435 130 330 59 60 179 400 61 62 63 500 100 200 64 150 65 66 67 68 100 300 300 75 100 69 70 71 100 200