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', PROPOSALS. . _'> • «i : ' War-loan subscribers to be given option of converting debentures into inscribed stock. Estimated revenue, £6,000,000. System of hospital subsidies to be revised. :! Maternity homes to be increased. More nurses for country districts. Telephone facilities in country districts to be extended. Trial aerial mail-services to be inaugurated. '' Closer settlement of fertile lands to be promoted. £5,000,000 additional for advances for discharged soldiers. £2,500,000 additional for purchase of land for settlements (soldiers). Extension of operations of swamp-land drainage. Further provision for reafforestation and planting of sand-dunes. Legislation in regard to pure seeds and noxious weeds to be introduced. Establishment of— Agricultural college in North Island. Boys' agricultural clubs. State farm in South Island. • i Wheat-growing to be encouraged. 1 Wool profits to 31st March, 1919, £1,620,000, to be distributed. £600,000 provided for acquisition and development of New Zealand interests hi. Nauru and Ocean Islands. . £260,000 to be provided for naval defence. Assistance to mining industry. Housing:— £1,000,000 to be provided. I ... . Supplies, of building-material to be regulated. ;,. Building operations to be restricted to facilitate erection of homes. Limit for each house to be increased, and local bodies to be enabled to purchase land as vvell as build houses. Measures limiting profits to be strengthened. Additional assistance to pensioners. • Military and miner pensioners to lie allowed to draw pensions notwithstanding temporary absence from the Dominion. Pensions Appeal Board to be established. Provision for speeding up completion of important railways. Light railways to be constructed. . ... Tire-tax to be imposed and utilized for upkeep of main roads. Additional amount of £3,650,000 to be provided for public works and hydroelectric schemes. Further assistance to immigration, and Department to be reorganized. Increased expenditure to be provided for education services. ... Welfare of children to be further provided for by creation of bureau of infant welfare. Extended programme for school buildings. Development, of trade with Samoa and islands of the Pacific. High Commissioner's Office to be strengthened. Wages and salaries of Government servants brought into line with cost of living.