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EEPORTS. No. 95. —Petition of Thomas Drummond and 87 Others, of Cashmere Hills Sanatorium. Petitioners pray that the sanatorium on Cashmere Hills be not handed over to civil control. 1 am directed to report that, as the proposed change in administration of the Cashmere Sanatorium will not deprive the soldier T.B. patients of any of their present privileges, and that in particular their present right of appeal to the Director-General of Medical Services for the remedying of their grievances will not bo withdrawn, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th August, 1920.

No. 12. —Petition of Joseph Ingley, of New Plymouth. PETITIONER prays that he be granted the New Zealand War Medal and all the privileges pertaining thereto. 1 am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th August, 1920.

No. 4.—Petition of GILBERT Weattieuston, of Dunedin South. Petitioner, alleges that while attending the Sutton Territorial Camp in 1915 lie contracted rheumatism so badly that he is unable to earn his living, he prays for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that as the evidence produced appears to support the petitioner's claims the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Bth September, 1920.

No. 19. —Petition of John WaTiDINo, of Coromandel. For payment of amount of gratuity due on account of services rendered by his late son during the recent war. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth September, 1920.

No. 18.—Petition of W. E. Buckley and 4 Others. Petitioners pray for recognition of military services during the Maori War. I am directed to report that, as this petition refers to a matter of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th September, 1920.-

No. 84. —Petition of Lieut.-Colonel E, Jenninos, of Rotherham, Amuri, Canterbury. For payment of an amount equal to the difference in pay of military and civilian doctors during the influenza epidemic. I have the honour to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 14th September, 1920.

No. 64.—Petition of G. L. Scansie and 8 Others (Jugo-Slavs). That disabilities imposed on Jugo-Slavs resident in New Zealand by the war legislation may be removed. I am directed to report that, as this petition deals with a matter of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st September, 1920.

No. 5. —Petition of Mrs. Jessie Vance, of Blenheim. For a compassionate allowance in respect of the death of her husband, who was accidentally killed in the Awapuni Military Camp. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should lie referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th September, 1920.