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Legislature Amendment Bill. The Statutes Revision Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed with the amendments as shown in the copy attached hereto. 9th September, 1920.

Destitute Persons Amendment Bill (Report No. 2). The Statutes Revision Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be not allowed to proceed in its present form. 15th October, 1920.

Law Practitioners Amendment Bill. The Statutes Revision Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendment as shown in the copy attached hereto. 20th October, 1920.

Special Report. The members of the Statutes Revision Committee desire to place on record their high appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the Chairman (Mr. Vernon H. Reed), and tender their sincere thanks to him. sth November, 1920.

Special Report. The Statutes Revision Committee, consisting- of eleven members, has during the session held eight meetings, the average attendance at each meeting being five. The following four Bills were referred to the Committee —Destitute Persons Amendment, War Regulations Continuance, Legislature Amendment, and Law Practitioners Amendment —all of which were reported to the House. sth November, 1920.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (450 copies), £2 Ills,

Authority : Marcos F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92o.

Price 3d.]