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Presented to the House of Representatives , and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 14th Day of July, 1920. Ordered, " That Standiirg Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Goldlields and Mines Committee be appoirrted, consisting of twelve members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to mining and all Bills relating to mines ; with power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to corrsist of Mr. Bollard, Mr. J. McC. Dickson, Mr. Edie, Mr. A. Hamilton, Mr. Holland, Mr. Horn, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Poland, Mr. Reed, Mr. T. W. Rhodes, Mr. Seddon, and tho mover." —(Right Hon. Mr. Massey.) Ordered, " That the Coal-mines Amendment Bill be referred to the Goldfields and Mines Committee for report."— (Mr. Holland.) Tuesday, the 20th Day of July, 1920. Ordered, "That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1919 be again referred to tho same Committees as they were referred to during the said session." —(Right Hon. Mr. Masshv.) Wednesday, the 21st Day of July, 1920. Ordered, "That the Mining Amendment Bill be referred to the Goldlields and Mirres Committee."—(Mr. Parky.) Thursday, the 2nd Day of September, 1920. Ordered, '' That the names of Mr. Parry and Mr. Potter be added to the Goldlields and Mines Committee."— (Right Hon. Mr. Massey.


No. Subject. Page. Axial Water-feed Drill (resolution on) 2 Coal-mines Amendment Bill (Mr. Holland) Coal-mines Amendment Bill (No. 2) .. 2 2 312 Donnelly, T.C., and 26 others 3 Final report 3 311 Gay, William, and 21 others.. 3 MaoDonald, Hon. W. I). 8., M.P., the late (vote of condolence) Mining Amendment Bill (Mr. Parry) .. Mining Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2 2 2

No. Subject. Page. 313 Parker, John, and 131 others Parliamentary Paper No. 257 C (Amending Regulations under the Mining Act, 1908—Amendment of Second Schedule, Regulation 33) Parliamentary Paper No. 258 C (Additional and Amended Regulations under the Mining Act, 1908) 3 3 3 314 Smith, James, and 11 others Special report (re Chairman) 3 3 249/19 Vcrrall, James 2 330 Weaver, Charles, and 37 others 3