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No. 334.—Petition of Norah Butler, of Auckland. Praying for compensation for the. death of her husband, the result of injuries received while in the execution of his duty as a police constable. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. :10th October, 1920.

No. 361. —Petition of George Barker and 13 Others, of Wellington. Praying that legislation may be enacted to enable any person with an experience of not less than six years in practical dentistry to quality for registration as a dentist, after submission to a proper examination and investigation as to qualifications by a Board of qualified dentists. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 30th October, 1920.

No. 258. —Petition of Alfred Brown, of Christchurch. Praying for further monetary compensation, or some suitable occupation in the Government service, on account of injury received when working as lineman in the employ of the PostmasterGeneral. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1920.

No. 85.—Petition of John T. Foley, of Wellington. (Second Report.) Praying for redress for alleged unlawful imprisonment through conspiracy by police. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1.920.

No. 261. —Petition of Edward Fahey and 294 Others, of Otago. Praying that the sentence passed upon P. M. Neilan be reviewed, especially the Probation Officer's report upon which the sentence was determined. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Prisons Board. 2nd November, 1920.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions A to L Committee desires that the thanks of the Committee be tendered to the Chairman, Mr. R. A. Wright, for the courteous, impartial, and prompt manner in which he conducted the business of the Committee during the past session. It further desires that this resolution shall be recorded in the minutes of the Committee, and be reported to the House.—(On motion of Mr. Bartram.) 2nd November, 1920.

No. 372.—Petition of A. Galloway and 77 Others, of Pahautanui. Praying that, such legislation may be passed as will empower the Licensing Committee of the Electoral District of Otaki to grant, a publican's license in respect to premises known as the Pahautanui Hotel, which license lapsed owing to alterations of electoral boundaries. I am directed to report, that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th November, 1920.

Final Iteport. The Committee, consisting of ten members, held twenty-one meetings during the session 1920. the average attendance at each meeting being seven. The Committee dealt with sixty-four petitions. The number reported to the Government for immediate and favourable consideration was 3 ; for most favourable consideration, 1; for urgent, and favourable consideration, I; for most favourable and immediate consideration, 1; for favourable consideration, 9; for immediate and sympathetic consideration, 1 ; for immediate consideration, 3; for consideration, 3; for inquiry, 2; the number on which the Committee had "no recommendation to make" was 34; the number referred to other Committees was 4; referred to the Prisons Board, 1; referred to the Public Trust Department, 1 : the number held over (not dealt with) was 1 : total, 65. 2nd November, I 920.

Approximate C'onl of Paper. -Preparation, not Riven : printing (450 copies), £8

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 92"

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