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Balances on 31st ft Balances on 31st March, 1919. March, ] 1919 9. Transaction Transactions, 1919-1920. t»s, 1919-1920. Balances on 31st 6 Balances on 31st March, 1920. March, ] 1920 0. « * , : . _—- — _ — Dr. Cr. Cr, Dr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Cr. L_ ' ) I i £ s. d. Brought forward.. .. .. .. .. .. 130,658,160 15 4 £ s. a. £ s. d. 18,452,260 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,952,575 0 0 146,157,845 15 4 £ s. d. PUBLIC DEBT AGGOV ST-continued. New Zealand State-guaranteed .Advances Act, 1909 — coiitinued. Local Authorities Branch — Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 95,000 0 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. .. 217,740 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. 1,522,931 0 0 Native Land Settlement Branch .. .. .. .. .. 80,000 0 0 Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1910—Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907 .. .. 800,000 0 0 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (Section 8, War Expenses), 2,067,410 19 0 and Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Section 9) Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (Section 5, War Expenses), and 10,199,741 13 0 | Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Seotion 2) Public Works Act, 1908— Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 .. .. .. .. 53,476 0 0 Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 .. .. .. 528,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 45,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, aud Finance Act. 1917 20,000 0 0 (Section 81) Rangitaiki Land Drainage 4Amendment Act, 1913. and Appropriation Act. 5,000 0 0 1918 (Section 44) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and .Appropriation Act, 1919 (Section 19) Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 89,000 0 0 State Advances .Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. .. 573,200 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Advances to Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. 41,000 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (Section 46) Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (No. 2) .. 14,306,250 0 0 Wellington and Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908.. .. .. 499,700 0 0 ; 74.400 0 0 50,000 0 0 107,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 28,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 44,000 0 0 573,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 418,800 0 0 95,000 0 0 217,740 0 0 40,000 0 0 74,400 0 0 1,522,931 0 0 50,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 2,067,410 19 0 10,199,741 13 0 53,476 0 0 635,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 33,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 39,000 0 0 94,000 0 0 573,200 0 0 573,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 46,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 130,000 0 0 21,300 0 0 14,703,750 0 0 499,700 0 0 i Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 162,401,610 7 4 20,134,660 0 0 20,134,660 0 0 3,967,475 0 0 178,568,795 7 4 3,967,475 0 0 178,568,795 7 4 ■ .--.■-.-- _L_ !__ I I I - L I