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No. 33. New Zealand, No. 220. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 9th December, 1919. With reference to your despatch, No. 162, of the 24th September, I have the honour to inform Your Lordship that my Ministers note that the accommodation at the Staff College, Quetta, will allow of only one New Zealand officer being sent annually when it is decided to resume the two-years course. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, Governor- General. The Right Hon. Viscount Milner, P.C, G.C.8., &c, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1919, No. 39.

No. 34. New Zealand, No. 226. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 10th December, 1919. I have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship the accompanying Synopsis, prepared by the Attorney-General of this Dominion, of the Acts passed during the Sixth Session of the Nineteenth Parliament of New Zealand, together with the Acts themselves duly authenticated with the Seal of the Dominion. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. The Right Hon. Viscount Milner, P.C, G.C.8., &c. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. Synopsis of Acts passed by the General Assembly of New Zualano during the Session ended on the sth Day of December, 1919. Public Acts. 1919, No. 1. —The Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1919.—This Act temporarily extended the duration of the Mortgages Extension Act, 1914, which would otherwise have expired on the 31st August, 1919. By a later Act (1919, No. 8) the Act of 1914 and its amendments have been repealed, and new provisions have been made for the protection only of mortgagors under mortgages existing on the passing of that Act. 1919, No. 2.—The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919.—This Act authorizes the Minister of Finance to borrow £12,500,000 for the purpose of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts. In addition authority is given for the borrowing of .£2,000,000 for each of two successive years and £1,000,000 for each year thereafter, to be expended in the acquisition of land under the Land for Settlements Act to be disposed of under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts. 1919, No. 3.—The Land and Income Tax (Annual) Act, 1919.—This Act fixes the rates of land-tax and income-tax (including special war-tax) for the financial year commencing on the Ist April, 1919. The rates so fixed are the same as for the last preceding financial year. 1919, No. 4.—The Payment of Jurors Act, 1919.—This Act empowers the Governor-General in Council to prescribe the rates to be paid to jurors for attendance at sittings of the Supreme Court and at Coroners' inquests. 1919, No. s.—The Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1919. —This Act relates to the leasing of land's in kauri-gum districts. It also provides for the issue of gum-brokers' licenses, and prescribes fees payable in respect of such licenses and of other licenses issued under the Kauri-gum Industry Act, 1908. 1919, No. 6.—The Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1919.—This Act extends the provisions of the Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1912, with respect to the appointment of Local Deputies of the Public Trustee. By the Act of 1912 provision was made for the appointment of four such deputies. The present amendment permits of the appointment of such number of deputies as may be necessary for the proper administration of the Public Trust Office. 1919, No. 7.—The Auckland University College Site Act, 1919.—This Act transfers to the Auckland University College Council, in trust, as a site for a University college, portion of the lands set apart in the City of Auckland for the purposes of a Government House. Provision is made for the resumption of the land by the Crown in the event of the Council failing to erect suitable buildings thereon within ten years. 1919, No. B.—The Mortgages Extension Act, 1919.—This Act repeals the Mortgages Extension Act, 1914, and its amendments, and re-enacts their provisions, with modifications, with respect to mortgages existing at the passing of the Act. No protection is provided for mortgagors under future mortgages. The procedure to be adopted by mortgagees in the exercise of their powers of sale and other remedies is somewhat modified. By section 5 provision is made requiring the mortgagee to give notice of intention to exercise such powers. If the mortgagor does not object to the exercise of such powers within two months from the receipt of the notice the mortgagee may exercise those powers without further authority; but if, however, the mortgagor objects, the mortgagee is obliged, before proceeding further, to obtain

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