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I have to confirm the recommendations contained in my previous reports as to the provision of a motor machine for the transport df men and appliances, and as to the provision of a more suitable fire-station. Rotorua. An inspection of the Rotorua Brigade was made on the 9th December, 1919, when there were fifteen officers and men in attendance, these, with four on leave, accounting for the full strength of the brigade. Considerable improvement was apparent in carrying out the various drills, which were performed in a satisfactory manner. The principal recommendation made is that the brigade be provided with a 35 ft. trussed telescopic ladder. _, Tauranga. An inspection of the Tauranga Brigade was made on the 15th December, 1919, when there were eighteen officers and men in attendance, only one man being unaccounted for. Various drills were carried out in a satisfactory and efficient manner, and the stations and apparatus were in good order. Following are the principal recommendations made: All members of the brigade to be properly fitted out with helmets and axes; a 35 ft. trussed telescopic ladder to be purchased; some mechanical system of ringing the large firebell to be installed. Timaru. An inspection of the Timaru Brigade was made on the 23rd February. At the inspection muster twenty-two officers and men, out of a total strength of twenty-five, were on parade. Various drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and equipment were in good order. A report was forwarded to the Board agaiu calling attention to the absence of any fire-main reticulation in certain streets almost in the centre of the town; also to the sparsity of hydrants in the principal streets, in some cases not fulfilling conditions laid down in the Municipal Corporations Act. The condition of the fire-hydrant indicators is also unsatisfactory. Waihi. An inspection of the Waihi Brigade was made on the 17th December, 1919, when ten officers and men were in attendance out of a total membership of sixteen; but the small attendance was due to excusable circumstances. Hose drills were carried out and certain instruction given. The station and equipment were in good order. The three new street fire-alarm call-boxes previously recommended have not yet been installed, nor have the canvas buckets yet been supplied. Waitara. My first inspection of the Waitara fire district was made on the 22nd and 23rd October, 1919. At the inspection muster twelve officers and men, out of a total strength of fifteen, were in attendance. Various drills were carried out, but, whilst the members of the brigade appear to be an active, willing body of men of good plrysique, they are much in need of more drill and instruction. Following are my recommendations in the matter of the principal requirements necessary to place the brigade and its equipment on an efficient footing: A 1-ton motor-chassis to be purchased, and a body built thereon to suit local requirements; I,oooft. new hose; firebell at west end; hand-pump fitted with stirrup; six canvas buckets; three new nozzles; turbine to ring firebell; branches require straightening; street hydrant-indicators require renovating. Wanganui. An inspection of the Wanganui Brigade was made on the 20th and 21st October, 1919. At the inspection muster there were present eleven officers and men, these representing the total membership of the brigade at the time. Various drills were carried out, but, owing to the scarcity of hose, not to any extent. Following are my principal recommendations : The Ajax ladder to be thoroughly overhauled; to obviate the use of the siren, except when attending fire-calls, a bulb horn to be fitted on the No. 1 motor; a siren to be fitted on the No. 2 motor; the early purchase of another motor appliance as previously recommended; 2,000 ft. of new hose to be packed with and sent out with the proposed new motor. I strongly advise the purchase of the house and section adjoining the new central-station site. A fire-main should be laid down along the frontage of the benzine and wool stores in Heads Road. TtT Whangarei. An inspection of the Whangarei Brigade was made on the 13th April, when there were in attendance twelve officers and men out of a total membership of seventeen then on the roll. A very decided improvement was manifest in the method and performance of the various drills carried out. The brigade should be provided with a couple of gas-masks and a hose-repairing outfit. Referring to the erection of the proposed new central fire-station, the amended plans of which have been approved, as stated at the meeting, the Board would be well advised to acquire the originally contemplated site in Dent Street, which is much more suitable than the present site. Woolston. An inspection of the Woolston Brigade was made on the 19th March, when there were in attendance six officers and men and two messengers. The chemical engine was got to work, and proved to be in good order, but the two hand-pumps were in defective condition. The brigade is numerically weak, and the authorized membership should be increased to not less than fourteen adults. A siren has been installed at the central station to serve for general alarm purposes. A doubleaction plunger-pump to develop a pressure of 100 lb. per square inch, with a discharge capacity of 100 gallons per minute, has been fitted on the motor chemical machine, and, I am advised, has passed a very satisfactory test.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (700 copies), £17 10s.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92o

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