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Table No. 6a— continued. POST OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS— GENERAL STATEMENT. Table showing the Business of the Post Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, &c. — continued.

Year. Number of Post Average Office Number ot t„*„ ( a™ ► Amount of Number Savings- Deposits T ° 0 «" h ° fWith - banks received . - „, T . ,. Deposit drawals y~, ; , . received during the . , , . : Open at .dunngtne Year received during 1 the Close: Year. I during the the Year, of the Year. Year. Average t~..,i a™ ..... ~f Amount of Excess of lotai Amount ol ..„..&, r» u ,., k .„ „,„ each Deposits over du™eYtr. ««"« Withdraw-als & during during the Year. j the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. Cost of Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Number Number of of Accounts Accounts opened , closed ! during ] during the Year, the Year. Number 01 Accounts remaining Open at Close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all Open Accounts, inclusive of Interest to the Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Creditof each Open Account at Close of the Year. Totals for 1880 ..178 81,660 1879 .. .. 165 71,865 1878 .. .. 147 69,908 1877 .. .. 138 60,953 1876 .. .. 124 57.295 1875 .. .. 119 56,129 1874 .. .. 103 52,627 1873 .. .. 97 39,223 1872 .. .. 92 31,681 1871 .. .. 81 24,642 , 1870 .. .. 70 20,489 1869 .. .. 59 17.133 1868 .. .. 55 13,014 Totals from ist Feb. to 31st 46 6,977 Dec, 1867 £ s. d. \ £ . d. 864,441 18 10; 10 11 9 57,446: 812,399 II II II 6 I 54,698 762,084 12 o 10 iS o 42,746 681,294 13 2: 11 36 39,363 664,134 12 6. 11 11 9 39,486 657.653 4 o 11 14 4 36,977j 699,249 14 3 13 5 8 29,778 580,542 5 5 14 16 2 21,268: 430,877 o o 13 12 o 17,254 312,338 iS 4 12 13 6 14,773 264,328 5 7 12 18 o 11,934 240,898 5 9 14 1 2 9,292 194,535 " 6 x 4 l8 11 6,365 96,372 7 10 13 16 3 1,919 s. d. £ s. d.! 780,504 13 4 13 11 8] 876,180 19 3 16 o 4] 742,053 14 3 17 7 2! 667,023 7 5 16 18 ioj 696,281 7 4 17 12 8 729,759 17 9 19 M 8 620,155 8 9 20 16 5 425,908 3 5 20 o 5 313,176 7 11 18 3 o 261,347 l6 3 J 7 J 3 9 209,509 13 2 17 11 1 180,518 4 1 19 8 7 107,094 17 3 16 16 6] 26,415 18 9 13 15 3; l_ £ s. d. 83,937 5 6 20,030 17 g 14,271 5 9 79,094 5 6 154,634 2 o 117,700 12 1 50,991 2 1 54,818 12 5 60,380 1 8 87,440 14 3 69,956 9 1 I £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,500 o 604 63.781 7 4 3,ooo o 5-69 2,500 o 533 1 2,500. o 598 32,146 14 10 2,500 O 6'2oj 72,106 13 9 2,500 o 6-44 [ 2,250; o 6-55; i,8ooj o 7-14 j 1,556] o 7-63 ! 1,351] o 823: 1,264: o 936 1,186: o 10-77 789 o 9-77 1 822 1 1018 £ s. d.| 32,822 12 4J 16,137] I2 ,2i7 31,715 18 2 15,401 12,786 31,664 12 9 13,005 9,634 29,193 14 6] 11,235 8,591 28,762 4 7: 11,255 9,472 28,565 3 5: 11,273 8,68i 26,935 6 8 10,346 5,736 20,106 16 10 7,382 3,816 14,711 o 5 6,205 3, J 88 11,291 10 10 4,615 2,383 9,242 3 11 4,304 2,277 7,412 8 o 3,839 1,801 4,880 7 3: 3,282 1,186 1,241 5 o 2,520 364: 38,667 34.747 32,132 28,761 26,117 24.334 21,742 17.132 13,566 io,549 8,317 6,290 4.252! 2,156 £ s. d. £ s. d. 903.765 16 10 23 7 6 787,005 19 o 22 12 II 819,071 8 2 25 9 9 767,375 17 8 26 13 7 723,910 17 5 27 14 4 727,295 7 8 29 17 9 770,836 18 o 35 9 o 664,807 5 10 38 16 1 490,066 7 o 36 2 5 357.654 14 6 33 18 1 295.372 1 7 35 10 3 231. 3" 5 3] 36 15 5 163,518 15 7| 38 9 1 71,197 14 ii 33 o 5 i