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NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (ieneral Statement of Accounts for thr Yeab ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Pai/m,ents. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. | Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries ... .. lo l<( o Board .. .. .. .. 523 15 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 2 110 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to other aooounts , — serves .. .. .. .. 768 r> 8 j New Buildings Account .. .. 828 12 8 [ntereet on moneys derived from endow- Genera] Account .. .. 813 II c> mellis .. .. .. 103 5 0 £1,455 r> 8 £1,455 5 8 New Buildtnor and Sttes Account ;— New Buildings and Sites Account— Rent of reserve (new site) •• -. 1- 0 0 Purchase of sites (rent) .. .. IST 10 0 Donations towards new Memorial College +1 5 0 Additions lo buildings, hostels, &c. . . 438 lit !) Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture, &c. ■ .. .. .. 184 0 o count .. .. .. .. 828 12 8 Aiohteots' fees .. .. .. 21 18 0 Memorial College (advertising, plans, &e.) 72 8 0 Equipment—Manual instruction . . 2(5 12 11 £881 17 8 £881 17 8 Lower Department Account:—■ Lower Department Account:— Balance, 31st December, Ii)l8 .. .. 584 14 5 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 713 0 4 School fees .. .. .. .. 881 12 11 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 199 8 7 Technical fees .. .. .. 9 4 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. 563 2 5 tl , 175 II 4 fC\ ,475 11 4 Hostels Account :— Hoxtki.x Account:— Balanoe, 31st December, Mils.. .. 250 () 0 Proportion of office'expenses and salaries II!) 1 (i Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,191 I! 0 Provisions, tut., girls' boardinghouse adMedical fees and expenses . . . . 26 0 0 ministration . . . . . . I ,480 0 0 House governess .. .. .. 110 (I 0 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 360 19 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 132 410 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 2,388 9 4 Laundry fees .. .. .. 234 13 11 Medical fees and expenses .. .. 27 3 3 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 024 2 8 £5,407 3 f> £5,407 3 (i Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department (Ikneral Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. *814 7 0 j Teachers'salaries and allowances ..4,150 5 (i Government capitation for free places .. 4,323 Lβ 0 j Incidental expenses .. .. .. 522 0 9 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 141 1 3 struction .. .. .. .. 47 13 5 School fees .. .. .. .. 337 710 Refund tuition fee .. .. .. 14 0 Allowance (restricted train-service) .. 015 0 Maintenance and repairs of buildings .. 163 15 10 Interest, General Account and Improve- Bates,£so2s. lid.; insurance,£losls. 3d, 155 4 2 ments Account . . .. . . 49 7 0 Interest on overdraft . . . . 0 2 0 Income from property nol reserves .. 1,102 12 0 Manual instruction —Apparatus .. 02 12 3 Technical fees '.. .. .. 15 9 2 Tylee Memorial —Special prize .. 9 15 0 Sales (badges) .. .. .. 13 2 (i Purchase- -Badges .. .. .. SOU Stationery, games, &o. .. •• 1,124 8 7 Allowance — Restricted train-service •• 015 0 Tylee Memorial (special prize) .. .. 10 10 0 Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,028 18 4 Contractor's deposit .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance, 31st December. 1910 .. . .f2,400 11 2 Clerk of Court (summons fees) .. 0 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 613 11 0 £8,r>50 18 4 £8,556 IS 4 * Including balance, £239 15a,, Stationery and Games Account. f Including balance, £208 17s. od., Stationery and Games Account. Examined and found oorreot. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.