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List of Public Schools, the Staff, etc.— continued. AUCKLAND — continued.


Schools. Teaclrors. Name. 0I •f 8 °3 r* P A* Ot O (3) Name. o o i Cu d o 'CC I 1 0 Q ai g at ,11 3 a". a CA m 6 ci 'ctt tt °fi (7) (8) I ... fi) (2) (4) (5) Dargaville 5a £ 48 400 310 97 190 69 240 105 160 75 90 90 65 10 195 33 I 395 39 315 50 340 63 245 42 305 70 i 240 140 88 175 86 175 .'. 130 69 180 102 155 101 155 98 165 85 85 75 10(1 75 100 90 91 245 51 32(1 90 205 75 60 | 295 88 205 13 ; 490 48 390 49 310 52 310 47 290 62 245 82 230 78 200 73 200 70 180 93 175 130 90 175 165 85 100 100 75 90 100 18 430 48 350 01 255 63 275 74 220 68 180 75 200 88 175 75 75 . . 200 13 490 43 39(1 49 310 47 340 49 280 56 280 230 76 200 72 210 85 85 100 lllli .. 100 9(1 I )e vonport Dome Valley .. Drury East Tarnaki Edendalc .-. 7h 2 3a 3a 7f 270 776 23 51 43 734 Davidson, George A Cowan, Henry Kerr, Catherine Terry, Annie S. French, Gertrude C. Heywood, Arthur D. Robson, Marion I*. Osborne, Philip F. Lundberg, Olof Armstrong, James Sheppard, Albert L. Grant, Jarre I)., b.a. Perkins, Edward Tatton, Joseph A. Herbert, Mary E. Robertson, Evelyn M. Jones, Elsie G. .. Haszard, Miriam K. Fenton, Alice McLean, Annie E. (Mrs.).. Anderson, Coralie F. (Mrs.) Grossman, Mabel It. Carrie, Elsie G. .. Watson, Florence (Mrs.) . . Armitage, Gwendolen A. .. Ellicott, Gertrude T. Maxwell, Jean L. Stevens, Ambrose C. Carter, Sibyl E. I). Singleton, Charles H. Barwick, Doreen W. Ingerson, William L. McNaughton, James I). .. Smyth,' Madeline E. C. . . Bycroft, Zealia M. Allen, Frederick N. Moore, Irene B... Semaderri, Casper A. Rowe, Adrian M. Millington, Ellen Stubbs, George H. Maborr, Rose M. Stretton, Ernest C. N. Tracy, Ada R. Foley, Veronica M. Harrison, Emily Barnes, Adina L. (Mrs.) .. Clark-Walker, Veida M. .. Anderson, Irene F. Gibson, Amy Casley, Gladys M. Meiklejohn, Nora Burdett-Strrart, Frances M. Trimmer, Henry K. Bradbury, Winifred M. .. Groome, Florence B. Rayner, Charles E. Wooller, Joseph Moon, Mark II. .. Goldsworthy, Elizabeth M. Stables, Florence R. (Mrs.) Phipps, Doris D. Fraser, Amrie B. Turner, Margaret W. Darby, Annie E. M. Gray, Arthur J. Raisber, Arthur H. II. F. Gash, Edwin T. Isemonger, Thomas Hutton, Robert G. Carnachan, Blanche E. .. Squire, Donald S. B. Shroff, Maud A. Fordyce, Johanna C, Clark, Hugh R. Rankin, Elsie E. Wright, Janet S. (Mrs.) .. Wallace, Albert G. C. Kennedy, Annio R. Corbet-, Sarah E. Turner, Margaret A. Hill, Lena Mabel 1 Smallfield, Roy .. tplariiitory notes see page i. 11 A A A A .. Pt2 .. Pt3 .. Prl .. Prl II A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .. Ptl .. Ptl .. Pt2 .. Pt,2 .. Pt2 .. Pr2 .. Prl S II A .. Pr-2 11 A 11 A A A A A A A A A A A A A .. Ptl .. Pt2 .. I't2 .. Pt2 .. Pt3 .. Pi-2 H A A A A A A A .. Pt,2 .. Pt2 S H A A A A A A A A .. Ptl .. Ptl .. Pt2 .. Pt2 .. Pt2 Prl I) c C 1) I) c B c II c E i) c c c II D I) I) I) c c c c 15 B D C Ii D D I) C C c 'J Ellerslic 6a 416 c I) 1) I) c C c c Els tow Epsom 2 7o 29 553 D I) C E C (' C Lie. C E For ox