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Appendix CJ



from thirty-eight schools received instruction in cookery, and sixty-two pupils from three sohools received instruction in metalwork. A cookery-room, towards the cost of which liberal donations were made by the residents, is being erected at Ohakunc. The Instructors' reports on the work of all classes were very satisfactory. Swimming and, Life-saving.- 1,386 pupils from ten schools received instruction. Needlework. Special teachers were employed at twenty-four schools in charge of male teachers, the aVerage attendance being 270. Advanced needlework was taught in one school to fifty-two pupils. Physiology and First Aid. Three schools had recognized classes in this subject, the average attendance being eigthy-nine. Physical Measurements. —Recognized classes were held at three schools, the number of pupils being 195. Drawing and Handwork.- The Board's supervisor in these subjects visited a large number of schools. He reports that there is a pleasing evidence, that the work in drawing is rapidly improving, this being especially noticeable in the work sent up by pupils to the shows at the various centres. Further articles on the teaching of drawing, &c, were published in the Leaflet. Recognized classes in handwork were, held at 197 schools, the average attendance beimg 13,689. HAWKE'S BAY. Extract prom the Report op the Inspectors of Schools. Manual and Technical Instruction. Classes are held in Gisborne, Hastings, Waipawa, Dannevirke, and Woodville, instruction being given by special teachers appointed for the purpose by the Board. The work done is undoubtedly, of much value, to the pupils, but we think that under present conditions it is confined to too small a number. Provision for manual and technical instruction ought also to be made in the larger country schools, particularly in the case of girls who require some training in the domestic arts. No manual instruction is yet provided for the' children in the Napier centre Arrangements are, however, in hand for the new year. Extract from the Report ok the Education Board. Manual Instruction.- Classes in elementary handwork were recognized at 130 schools, the same number as in 1918. Great difficulty was again experienced in obtaining the necessary material for the work of these classes. The increase in the cost of materials is out of all proportion to the recent increase in capitation granted by the Department. Some, materials are practically unobtainable at any cost. The average roll number of pupils receiving instruction in various branches of handworkwas 12,215. Needlework, has been satisfactorily taught in all schools. Special classes were conducted at eight schools in sole charge, of male, teachers. One hundred and sixty-three classes for agriculture and dairy science were recognized for capitation purposes during the year. The number of classes and yearly average attendances were as follows : —

The increase in the number of classes is gratifying. There are still a considerable number of teachers untrained in science work, and who are therefore unable to take the science programme required by the syllabus. Classes for woodwork, cookery, and dressmaking were conducted at centres to which the pupils from the surrounding schools came from instruction. Classes were, in operation at Gisborne, Hastings, Waipawa, Dannevirke, and Woodville. It was not found possible to resume manual-training classes at Napier in 1919, but satisfactory arrangements were made for their resumption in 1920. The table, below shows the number of classes and the, yearly average attendance.

Most creditable work was exhibited at the annual agricultural and pastoral show at Hastings, and the instructors, teachers, and pupils alike arc, to be congratulated upon the exhibits.

Subjects. Number of Classes. Average Attendance. Elementary agriculture Dairy science . . Elementary agriculture and dairy science . . Experimental science Elementary hygiene, home and natural science 72 21 39 21 10 1,140 445 735 624 1.53 Totals, 1919 Totals, 1918 163 130 3,097 2,62.1 Increase 33 476

Subjects. Number of ('lasses. Average Attendance. Woodwork ( ookery Dressmaking •. 26 26 24 518 492 428 Totals, 1919 Totals, 1918 76 79 1,438 1,418 l_