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[Appendix A.


AUCKLAND. Statement of Income and Expenditure and Assets and Liabilities for the Year ending 31st December, 1919.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d.- £ s. d. Sundry cash liabilities, Special Accounts .. 8,709 3 0 Cash at bank on current Sundry oash liabilities, General Aocount .. 150 0 0 account .. .. 28,287 14 8 Credit balances, Special Acoounts .. 88,538 18 11 Less unpresented oheques 102 12 4 Credit balanoe, General Account .. .. 6,607 8 0 28,185 2 4 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 61,024 6 7 Cash assets, Special Acoounts .. .. 14,634 4 7 Cash assets, General Aocount .. .. 161 \t> 5 £104,005 9 11 £104,005 9 11

TARANAKI. Statement of Income and Expenditure and Assets and Liabilities for the Year ending 31st December, 1919.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. (I. I Assets. £ s. il. £ s , il. Sundry cash liabilities, Special Accounts .. 647 15 7 Cash at bank on current account 1,004 15 0 Sundry cash liabilities, General Account .. •'!! 10 2 Less unpresented cheques .. 291 1! 10 Credit balances, Speoial Accounts.. .. 10,968 (i 8 7H> <i 2 Credit balance. General Accounl .. .. 180 1 I Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 3,105 O 0 Cash assets, Special Accounts .. .. 7,936 3 5 Cash assets, General Account .. .. 85 12 11 £11,83(1 Hi (i £11,836 16 6


Name of Aooount. , Balanoe, 81st Deoember, 1918. Income. Expenditure. As at 31i Balanoe (including Assets and Liabilities). st ilccembor, 19! ! Cash Assets. .9. Liabilities actually incurred. £ s. d. £ s. d. 327,413 19 I 10,642 11 0 I.IOI 19 5* 177 13 9 I,092 14 0* 21,131 11 7* 21,934 12 10* 709 12 5* 4,787 14 5* 4,883 0 10 24,371 14 7* 10.908 1 3 8,989 3 0 18,811 18 3 11,998 17 9* 072 9 0* 435 0 0 18.092 12 0 £ 8. d. 327,413 19 4 10.012 11 0 4,287 U 0 230 3 7 1,716 0 2 21,322 3 4 21,934 12 10 976 I I 7 3,794 13 I 4,883 0 10 20,834 10 0 22,009 0 3 3,816 19 II 20,306 14 I 41,195 18 II 672 9 (i 435 0 0 22,369 4 2t £ s. d. C s. d. £ s. d. 13 I 0 Teachers' salaries House allowances Relieving teachers .. (7. 17 13 o School libraries . . .. Cr. 203 18 5 ( 'mi vevancc, &c. . . Grants to School Committees Cr. 190 II 9 Training colleges Teachers' classes.. .. Cr. 178 17 2 Scholarships—National D-Striol High Sohool salaries Manual instruction .. Cr. 202 9 :>, Technical inttruction .. Cr. 7,284 13 5 Rebuilding . . . . Cr. 64.064 0 0 Buildings—Maintenance .. Cr. 9,901 15 l New buildings . . . . Dr. 052 8 2 Sites sales ('mil rectors' deposits General Aocount.. .. 10,884 0 2 92.875 17 I Cr. 195 I 11 Cr. 145 8 7 Dr. 23 6 2 Dr. 88 2 0 Cr. 993 1 1 Cr. 3.739 7 4 Cr. 2,183 8 5 Cr. 69,836 10 1 Cr. 8,406 19 0 Cr. 3.150 10 8 195 I 1 I 554 7 10 100 (I 0 993 I I 4,217 14 8 359 3 I I 577 11 0 113 7 3 188 2 0 33 6 8 595 0 0 1,140 14 11 8,214 15 2 898 12 2 5.001 4 6 Cr. 0,607 8 0 IOI 10 5 85 0 (I 150 0 0 92,873 17 1 [531,178 0 II 528.907 17 1 (V. 95,140 0 11 14,790 I 0 8,859 3 0 U_,fi/o 1 I I Note, 'tin- amounts marked * include 1 Is marked * include ti •ansfers from the ot moral Fund, market t, amounting in all ,0 £10,297 4s. 7d.

As at 31st December, 1919. - v ""'"" v ''""'"' DecemiK-i-.mV ll "'"'" c ' Expenditure. Balance (including U-MUtta Assets Casli Assets. actually and Liabilities). Inourred. ____—.. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. Teachers'salaries .. .. 03,933 5 5* 63,933 5 5 .. .. 3 15 War bonuses .. .. .. 2,285 5 6 2,285 5 0 House allowances .. .. 1,7.12 0 11 1,712 (111 .. 5 0 0 Organizing teachers .. .. 301 0 I 301 0 1 .. 98 15 1 Relieving-teachers .. .. 400 0 4* 400 6 4 School libraries .. .. 120 I I 219 15 0 253 19 4 91 17 0 .. 250 0 Conveyance. &c. .. .. 734 13 10* 734 13 10 .. 577 12 4 Grants to School Committees 241. 19 8 5,074 5 II 5,245 5 3 71 0 4 Contributions and subsidies .. 1,023 11 2 1,023 11 2 Teachers'classes.. .. .. 250 o 0 173 14 o 76 0 0 .. 34 0 Scholarships—National .. .. 017 I 8 ! 017 1 8 .. 145 0 0 ,, Special District IIigh Scl 1 salaries .. 1,629 16 8 1,029 10 8 Manual instruction .. 1,892 17 9 2,708 19 I 3,123 14 11 1,478 111 217 4 1 Technical in 11 ill-trim .. 780 II II 0.833 4 8 5,829 10 2 1,790 0 5 2,324 2 5 Rebuilding .. .- 5.393 3 0 2.401 13 I 2.732 I 9 5,005 12 1 1,000 0 0 Buildings -Maintenance .. 2,607 1 (I 5,120 13 I 5,338 11 2J 2,395 2 11 194 19 6 360 0 New buildings .. .. .. 8,545 4 8* 8,545 4 8 .. 3,373 10 0 Sites sales .. .. .. 10 0 0 10 o o General Account.. .. Dr. 703 i 2 6,728 19 I 5,779 10 10t 180 4 1 85 12 11 34 10 As at 31st December, 1919. £ s. d. 5 0 0 98 15 1 577 12 4 £ s. d. 3 15 7 250 0 0 145 0 0 34 0 0 217 4 1 2,324 2 5 1,000 (I 0 194 19 0 3,373 10 0 300 0 0 85 12 11 34 id 2 10,28 1 11 0 110,605 2 5 109,735 2 8 11,154 10 9 8,021 10 4 682 5 9 imoiint marked Note. —The amounts marked * inolude transfers from tin- General J J includes £1,041 15s. lod., transferred to the General Fund. ind, marked f, amounting in all to £1,007 Ss. Id. The