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[Appendix A.

candidates for teachers' certificates to obtain practical work in science subjects. The numbers in attendance at the various classes wen! as follows : Correspondence classes, 36 ; Saturday training classes (three drawing, three science), 47 ; Gisborne science class, 24 ; Dannevirke vocal music class, 26; Hastings C agriculture class, 10; Hastings summer school, 18. From the results obtained in the various certificate examinations the Board has every reason to feel gratified with the success of the. training classes. Hawke's Bay is included in the district served by the Wellington Training College, and every year pupil-teachers are sent to complete their training. The Board feels, however, that the Training College should extend its influence in the district, and to this mid proposes that Training College extension lectures be given from time to time. District High Schools (See E.-6, Report on Secondary Education.] Manual Instruction. —[See Appendix C to E.-2.] Physical Instruction. —The, Inspectors have drawn attention to the fact that the, various changes in the instructional staff have, brought about.a lack of interest in this subject. Some teachers appear to have lost interest, it being reported that no physical instruction has been given in some schools for months. The Board trusts that an instructor will be, located permanently in this district in order that this important branch of school work may be placed on a satisfactory footing. Medical Inspection. —Medical inspection in this district has up to the present been most spasmodic, and the Board feels that in this respect it has just grounds for complaint. No Medical Inspector has been permanently located in the district, and as a result of the hurried visits of Medical Inspectors from other districts it has been impossible, to secure the co-operation of the teachers which the success of the scheme, demands. The Board learns with satisfaction, therefore, that a Medical Officer will be permanently located in Hawke's Bay in 1920. Dr. Clark was temporarily appointed to this district during the, last lew months of. the year, and the, Board desires to express its apprecation of the zeal and enthusiasm with which he carried out his duties. Scholarships. —Scholarships in tenure in 1919 were : Junior National Scholarships, 32 ; Senior National Scholarships, 13 ; Wairoa County Council Scholarships, I : total, 46. Buildings. —The renovation and painting of schools and residences have been proceeded with steadily throughout the year. There has been great difficulty in many instances in proceeding with necessary repairs owing to the shortage of labour and materials. One class-room at Papatawa has been rebuilt, and the teacher's residence at Te Karaka is now being renewed. Only three new works were completed during the year, viz. : Motuhora, new school; Puha, new residence ; Tolaga Bay, addition one room. The cost of building was extremely high. It has been impossible, in some, cases to proceed with new works authorized, owing to no tenders being received. The, new Napier Main School on Colenso Hill is still far from completion. The, infant department was occupied early in 1920, but the main building cannot be completed until 1921. The delay has been due entirely to the shortage of cement. The following new works were in progress at the end of 1919 : Parkvale (Hastings East), new school; Napier West, additions to infant school; Gisborne East, additions; Napier South, additions and new out-offices; Hastings West, additions; Napier Main, new school; Motuhora, additions and alterations to residence ; Tolaga Bay, additions. Finance.— The receipts for the, year totalled £130,218 18s. 9d., and the payments £126,172 Is. 2d. The credit cash balance on all accounts on the, 31st December, 1919, was £10,020 Bs. sd. The principal items amongst the, payments were : — 1918. 1919. £ s. d. £ s. il. Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. 62,656 I 8 81,140 11 3 Conveyance and board of children .. .. .1,918 3 6 2,606 10 0 Grants to School Committees for incidental purposes .. .. .. .. .. 4,386 0 7 5,505 711 Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 3,369 7 9 3,824 16 5 Maintenance and rent of buildings .. .. 5,493 2 1 6,108 13 5 New buildings, additions, &c. .. .. .. 10,397 10 2 9,399 11 2 War bonus to teachers .. .. .. 3,144 19 1 2,358 5 0 School Committees. —The Board again desires to express its appreciation of the manner in which School Committees have co-operated with the Board in the administration of the Act and in the cause of education generally. The past year has been one of special difficulty owing to the fact that, while the cost of everything in connection with schools has greatly increased, Committers' incomes were not proportionately raised. The sums raised by way of voluntary contributions have been very considerable, thus showing that the interest of the Committees in the welfare of their schools has in no way diminished. I, have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. G. F. Roach, Chairman.

NELSON. Sib,— Nelson, 30th July, 1920. I have the honour to furnish a, report of the proceedings of the Nelson Education Board for the year 1919. The Board. —The members of the Board are Messrs. W. Lock and E. E, Boyes, representing the Nelson Urban Area ; Messrs. F. W. O. Smith and E. J. Scantlebury, representing the East Ward of the Rural Area ; Messrs. W. C. Baigent and S. B. Canavan, representing the North Ward of the Rural Area ; and Messrs. A. C. Cottrell and W. H. Mclntyre, representing the West Ward of the Rural Area. I regret to record the removal by death of Mr. T. Symes, who was a member for three years. Mr. D. J. Williams, a member for six years, found it necessary to resign early in the year. Their places have been filled by the appointment of Messrs. S. B. Canavan and W. H. Mclntyre. The Chairman (Mr. F. W. O. Smith) continues to represent the Board on the Board of Governors of Nelson Colleges, and is also a member of the Victoria College Council,