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Table B. —Summary of Estates acquired up to 31st March, 1920.

Table 0. —Statement of the Moneys received into and faid out of the Land for Settlements Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1920. Land for Settlements Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. 200,262 7 8 Purchase-money .. .. .. 900,135 5 1 Debentures hsued under the Land £ s. d. Laws Amendment Act, 1913, arid Ap- Incidental expenses .. 55,892 19 6 propriation Act, 1918 .. .. 560,000 0 0 Expenditure under Receipts under section 191, Land Act, Vote CO .. .. 8,163 1 6 1908 .. .. .. .. 745 7 0 64,056 1 0 Bents .. .. .. .. 377,091 19 7 Recoupment of interest under section 4, Sales of— Finance Act, 1919 .. .. .. 333,228 17 8 Crown lands .. .. .. 222,329 12 4 Interest under subsection (8) of sec-Land-for-settlements lands .. 161,407 6 10 tion 191 of the Land Act, 1908 .. 13 11 9 Workers' dwellings on settlement Advances under section 63, Land Laws lands under section 16 of the Amendment Act, 1913, and section 42, Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910 .. 7,511 4 0 Appropriation Act, 1918 .. .. 60,000 0 0 Interest on securities held by Invest- Sinking fund .. .. .. 26,400 0 0 merit Account .. .. .. 115 1 4 Balance .. .. .. .. 156,668 1 4 Recoveries — Teviot .. .. .. .. 10,977 311 Kota .. .. .. .. 49 11 4 Credits in reduction .. .. 12 2 10 £1,540,501 16 10 £1,540,501 16 10 Land for Settlements Account (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account). Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Debentures issued under New Zealand Purchase-money .. .. .. 1,452,316 10 10 Loans Act, 1908, Discharged Soldiers Incidental expenses .. .. 4,087 1 1 Settlement Loans Aot, 1919, section 4 1,775,000 0 0 Balanoe .. .. .. .. 318,596 8 1 £1,775,000 0 0 £1,775,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account (Opening: up Crown Land for Settlement). Receipts. il s. d. Payments. .£ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of year .. .. 10,847 17 7 Annual Appropriation, Vote 67— Revenue received under section 63, Land Roads to open up lands for Settlement 61.692 5 3 Laws Amendment Act, 1913.. .. 21,202 13 1 Recoupment of interest under section 4, Amount set aside from Land for Settle- Finance Aot, 1919 .. .. .. 7,980 19 4 ments Account, under section 63, Land Balanoe .. .. .. .. 22,377 6 I Laws Amendment Act, 1913, and section 42, Appropriation Ait, 1918 .. 60,000 0 0 £92,050 10 8 £92,050 10 8 Examined and found correct. Robert .1. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Table D. —Position of Land for Settlements Account at 31st March, 1920. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. 6. Loans current .. .. .. 8,906,487 0 0 Purchase-money .. '.. .. 9,981,738 5 5 Rents, &0., received .. .. 5,232,378 17 5 Incidental expenses .. ... 821,278 19 3 Sales of settlement lands .. .. 786,763 9 9 Interest .. .. .. ... 4,318,928 611 Sales of workers'dwellings.. .. 43,180 12 8 Sinking fund .. .. .. 663,496 8 0 Receipts under Land Act, section 191 8,782 7 10 Land Laws Amendment Act, s cReceipts under Land Act, section .177 59,700 17 1 tion 63 .. .. .. ~ ' 280,171 0 0 Sale of Crown lands .. .. 1,085,898 17 7 Balance .. .. .. ~ 156,608 1 4 Interest on investments .. .. 26,341 15 10 Recoveries .. .. .. 1,303 18 10 Premium on loan .. .. .. 117 0 0 Four-per-oent. stock created to cover expenses of raising loan .. .. 349 0 0 Receipts on account of Teviot for year .. .. .. .. *10,977 311 £16,222,281 0 11 £16,222,281 0 11 * The first year's returns were erroneously deducted from purchase-money.

Land District. Number. Area. Purchase-money. Incidental Exponsos, Improvements, Koads, &c. .uckland lawke's Bay 'aranaki Vellington tarlbo rough felson Vestland lanterbury )tago Southland 84 53 18 115 17 10 2 .. j 158 ..1 66 .. j 23 Acres 375,21 289,3! 18,2 135,4,' 217,7< 35,8: 5,1! 441,2' 285,21 87,6' Acres. 375,203 289,339 18,214 135,455 217,709 35,834 5,125 441,277 285,207 87,048 £ 1,303,919 2,047,328 264,545 1,6$9,881 087,838 86,275 8,343 3,287,602 1,636.561 423,313 £ 122,191 115,571 12,953 98,201 62,071 5,458 2,981 147,880 131,055 29,928 Totals .. i 546 1 1,891,0: 1,891,011 11,434,055 728,289