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Diamond Lignite-pit, Seaward Bush. —Some driving had previously been done, but opencast working has been reverted to. Stripping is not well kept back from the face, also one part of face is undermined. I strongly pointed out to the workman the danger of this. Orepuki Coal-mine, Orepuki. -Opencast pit on the banks of Waimeamea Stream. The Orepuki Shale Company has recently resumed work, and a mine was being driven in the seam. Soulhporl Coal-mine, Preservation Inlet. —A coal lease had been granted over 1,000 acres of Crown land at Gulches Head, Preservation Inlet. Three drives had been put in to the face of coal, but no development has been done since the lease was issued. The two seams proved to be 4 ft. and 6 ft. in thickness respectively. Fatal Accidents. Kaitangata No. 2 Mine, Kaitangata.- r-Srd July: Edgar Salzborger, 34, miner—fracture of spine and extensive bruising of left lung by fall of stone from low roof and side while preparing for a sot of timber. Death ensued on the 21st November from hemorrhage of left lung, caused, according to the medical certificate, by Salzborger having contracted a severe cold, and violent coughing had brought on tearing of old pleuritic, adhesions due to the accident. Nightcaps Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —17th October: Michael Prendeville, 42, miner--fracture of skull behind ear, struck by a falling prop at the working-place. Mossbank Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —l.9th December : David McKonzie, 42, mine-manager under permit—fractured thigh and internal injuries by a fall of coal from side of opencast pit while passing by. Serious Non-fatal Accidents. Castle Hill Coal-mine, Kaitangata. —4th April: Benjamin Beardsmore, 40, repairer—hand jambed against prop by a rolling stono, necessitating amputation of little finger of left hand ; 107 days off work. Bth October : Josh. Gilmour, 37, miner—scalp wound and general bruising ; struck by piece of coal falling from face ; 59 days off work. Kaitangata No. 2 Mine, Kaitangata. —24th April: Alexander Morrison, 44, miner- fracture of skull and left thigh by fall of stone from, roof while working at the face ; still off work. New Brighton Coal-mine, Wairio. 11th May: A. 0. Dixon, 33, miner—dislocation of loft thigh by fall of stone from roof while, setting timber ; 55 days off work. Taratu Coal-mine, Lovell's Flat. —27th May : James Thompson, son., 54, miner—fracture of right clavicle ; crushed against working-face by coal-box while filling ; 108 days off work. Nightcaps No. 7 Mine, Nightcaps. —l3th June : Patrick Hayden, 34, miner—fracture of left foot, caught between rail and wheel of box of coal being lifted on to the road ; 95 days off work". Nightcaps Coal-mine, Nightcaps. - -27th June : J. Sheehan, 35, miner—crushed left foot by a rolling lump while picking coal; 105 days off work. 29th November : Herbert Dahren, 27, miner— dislocated left shoulder and bruises ; while barring a lump of coal it gave away unexpectedly ; still off work. Kaitangata No. 1 Mine, Kaitangata.--2nd July : Gordon Beadle, 18, horse-driver —fracture of left thigh ; caught between empty boxes and timber on roadside ; 167 days off work. Bth July : Alfred E. Hawkins, 37, minor- -compound fracture of right tibia and bruised chest by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; still off work. Bth July :L. L. Grimshaw, 29, miner—bruised back and right knee by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; 120 days off work. Bth July : William W. Miller, 40, miner—crushed chest and hip-joint by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; 60 days off work. 13th August : William Miller, 35, miner—bruised lumbar muscles and laceration of ear ; struck by proud coal flying from face ; still unable to werk. Taratu Coal-mine, Lovell's Flat. —20th July: A. Cunningham, 50, miner—fracture of rib, left side, and bruised chest; prop fell while setting it ;61 days off work. Stevenson Collieries, Stirling. —-30th July: A. C. McLelland, 43, mine-manager—severe burns of face and arms by ignition of blasting-powder while serving it out; still off work. Freeman's Coal-mine, Abbotsford. —Bth October : J. McGilvary, 42, miner—bruised chest and right forearm ; struck by runaway coal-box ; 77 days off work. Coal-miners' Relief Fund. A total of 129 accidents was reported to me during the year, mainly in connection with the Coalminers' Relief Fund. Of those, four claims were not prosecuted or disallowed as ineligible, applicants being less than one week off work, leaving 125 cases of workmen disabled for a period of one week or more on account of accidents. The following is an abstract of accidents : — Above Below Ground. Ground. Fatal accidents . . .. .. . . .. .. 1 2 Non-fatal accidents (serious and severe) .. .. 16 (ordinary) .. .. .. .. ..11 96 Totals .. .. .. .. .. ..12 114 Eye accidents from flying coal comprised seven of the accidents reported. Fortunately all were able to resume work in from twelve to sixteen days from the date of accident. Four eye cases occurred at Kaitangata, one at Mahara (near Kaitangata), one at Nightcaps, and one at Shag Point. At the end of the year five claimants severely injured remained on the fund,

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