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(3.) Alluvial Mining. On the West Coast two new sluicing companies, having almost completed their water-races and surface works, propose to commence sluicing during the current year -viz., the Hochstctter Goldfiolds (Limited), which has expended about £100,000 upon a water-race from Lake Hochstctter to its claims on the terraces at Rivervicw, on tho Arahura River, and the Westland Prospecting Syndicate, the recipient of a Government subsidy for prospecting-shafts, whose claims are situated near Lake Kanieri. It will be seen, therefore, that alluvial mining either by sluicing or dredging on the West Coast still attracts a considerable amount of capital where the ground has been properly tested by drilling and sinking preparatory to the installation of plant and construction, of water-races.

V. MINERALS OTHER THAN GOLD. Tungsten-ore. The quantity of tungsten-ore exported during tho year amounted to 169 i tons, valued at £37,922, as compared with 161 tons, valued at £28,972, in 1917. The following statement shows the quantity and value of ore exported : —

The quantity of tungsten concentrate obtained during the year was 143=,",- tons, as compared with 199-jjj tons for the previous year, and 258 tons during 1910. The increased quantity exported during 1918, aw shown in the above table, is due to the liberation of concentrate which had been held back in anticipation of an increased price being offered by the Imperial Government. During the war period the price was raised from £2 15s. per unit (per ton of tungstic acid) to £3 Bs. Prior to 1914 the market price was about half the latter amount. The decline in production may be attributed to depletion of known deposits and neglect of development underground. The number of persons employed at scheelite-mines has been maintained. During 1919 the, Imperial Government has discontinued buying the whole of the output of tungsten-ore produced in the Empire, which will probably affect the current price as previously fixed by war requirements.

I:" Year. Quantity. Value. Year. Quantity. Value. il 1899 Tons. 32 £ 2,788 1910 .. Tons. 143 £ 15,070 1900 54 2,635 1911 .. 138 11,853 1901 2 83 1912 .. 135 13,347 1902 39 1,200 1913 .. 221 22,933 1903 42 1,439 1914 .. 204 21,498 1904 17 791 1915 .. 194 27,784 1905 28 ' 1,848 1916 .. 266 49,070 1908 55 3,407 1917 .. 161 28,972 1907 137 15,4-86 1918 .. 1691 37,922 1908 68 6,055 Totals 1909 58 4,263 2,163 I 268,444