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year in most cases were highly satisfactory. An aggregate depth of 12,366 ft. was drilled by diamond, keystone, and percussion drills in search for coal, oil-shale, and alluvial gold. Two valuable extensions of known coalfields were proved in the neighbourhood of Huntly and Point Elizabeth respectively ; two workable alluvial gold-mining claims were proved in Westland ; also an oil-shale deposit at Waikaia, which may after further exploration be found to be of value. ROADS AND TRACKS. The expenditure by subsidies and direct grants out of the Public Works Fund vote, " Roads on Goldfields," during the year amounted to £4,185. This expenditure would have been greater had more labour been available. GOVERNMENT WATER-RACES. The Waimea-Kumara and Mount Ida Water-races, which greatly aid alluvial gold-mining in the Kumara and Naseby districts, have during the year supplied claims employing thirty-five miners with water for sluicing, by which gold to the value of £8,481 was obtained. The cash received for water sold was £1,583, and the expenditure on the upkeep of the races was £3,350. TABLES AND REPORTS. The usual statistical tables and departmental reports are appended.