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CORRIGENDA. VOLUME I. Page 4, para. 9 : " Chapter IX " should read " Chapter IV." Page 10, para. 34: " Volume 111, Chapter III," should read " Volume 11, Chapter VII." Page 14, Table I, heading of column 2 : " 1917 " should read " 1913." Page IS, para. 23: Line 6— for " £19,704,700" read "£19,637,700"; lines 8, 9, and 10 contributions should read — United Kingdom .. .. .. 75 per cent. = £14,728,275 Australia .. .. .. .. 20 per cent. = £3,927,540 New Zealand .. .. .. .. 5 per cent. = £981,885 Page 17, second table : Columns 3 and 5 should be deleted and the following substituted :— Col. 3. Col. 5. £ £ 14,728,275 +661,475 3,927,540 - 97,060 981,885 + 57,285 +621,700 Page 24, table at foot of page : Figures opposite Japan should be amended to read, as follows : Japan .. ' .. 8 4 1 plus 3 powerful cruisers, &c. Page 27 : Under the heading " Chief Staff Officer " delete the words " Manning* of the Fleet and " ; commence sentence with word " Training." Delete note at foot of page. Page 29 : Add " Duties of Naval Assistant " :— " Commander (Executive), who should assist the Minister of Defence in dealing with naval questions ; to act also as Director of Eeoruiting (vide para. 37 of Chapter lIT of this volume)." Page 30 : Add a note to Table A, opposite page 30 : — " An executive officer of Commander's rank should be attached to the Minister of Defence as ' Naval Assistant.' He should also act as Director of Recruiting." Page 36, para. 34 (a), line 5 : For " paragraph 30 (b) " read " paragraph 32 (&)." Page 37 :! Para. 37 (b) should read, " The duties of Director of Naval Recruiting to be carried out by the Naval Assistant to the Minister of Defence." Page 39 : Para. 3 (g) should read, " Ratings qualifying for Chief Ordnance Artificer, 2nd Class." Page 40 : Para. 5, line 5, for " copiers " read " copies." Delete f after " (D) Mine-sweeping Training," also note f at foot of page. Page 49, para. 17, line 2 : For " regard must be paid " read " care must be taken." Page 54, Essay C, line 4 : For " teansmitted " read " transmitted."