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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


4—B. 7.

Number of ifficers in each Item. Cla8S ' I VOTE No. 1.—LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS— 1919-20. continued. 1919-20. Subdivision No. III. — General Expenses —continued. £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to — 13 Advertising 14 Allowance for retired extra clerks and messengers (12 months) 15 Binding books for Library ... 16 Bonus to extra clerks, messengers, and orderlies during session 17 Bonus to watchmen, attendants, charwomen, &c, during session 18 Charwomen 19 Cleaning up buildings (two) previous to session 20 Extra wages of staff at Bellamy's, including extra attendance at entertainments, &c. 21 Gas, fuel, and electric lighting 22 Grant to Bellamy's 23 Grant to Mr. W. Joliffe for assistance in reading Bills 24 Laundry-work for Legislative Department 25 Library 26 Library contingencies 27 Linen, glassware, china, cutlery, plateware, towels, kitchen utensils, uniforms, and furniture, &c, for use of members in Bellamy's and Parliamentary Buildings ■ 28 Lithographic work 29 Maintenance of Bellamy's staff during session 30 Newspapers for Library, and carriage for books 31 Parliamentary photographic shield 32 Passages and expenses of witnesses attending Committees of both Houses 33 Passages of members of both Houses 34 Postage and telegrams, including parliamentary papers 35 Printing of Hansard 36 Purchase of and repairs to typewriting-machines 37 Purchase and repairs to furniture, purchase of brooms, brushware, soap, towels, linen, matches, tools, coal-buckets, and shovels 38 Refreshments supplied to messengers, attendants, and staff on late-sitting nights I 39 Translating Acts into Maori 40 Travelling allowances and expenses 41 Uniforms for messengers 42 Upkeep of parliamentary grounds 43 Washing linen, &c, for Bellamy's 44 Water-supply 45 Winding and repairing clocks, &c. 46 Window-cleaning, rubbish-removal, and chimneysweeping 47 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 13 14 10 15 16 968 500 300 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 372 1,700 100 50 1,400 800 24 25 26 27 20 100 600 25 ! 28 29 30 31 32 500 50 1,100 200 25 33 34 50 600 35 36 37 900 5,500 50 450 38 100 35 25 400 150 100 100 42 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 34,580 47 200 25 Total—Subdivision No. Ill 17,547 34,580 Total—Vote No. 1 48,185 48,185 TOT L OF CLASS I £48,18,