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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


* 1919-20. 1919-20. Salaries. Other ChargeB. Total. Vote No. 1.—Legislative Departments— £ £ £ £ £ Subdivision No. I. — Legislative Council ... ... 3,300 230 3,300 230 8 3,530 „ II. — House of Representatives ... 3,215 6,860 3,215 6,860 10 10,075 III.—General Expenses ... ... 17,033 17,547 17,033 17,547 34 34,580 Total—Vote No. 1 ... ... 23,548 24,637 23,548 24,637 48 48,185 TOTAL OF CLASS I 23,548 24,637 14,637 48 48,185 Numbor of Officers in each Item. 191 Class. VOTE No. 1.—LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS. 1 19-20. L9-20. 1919-20. Subdivision No. I. — Legislative Council. Salaries and other Charges— 1 Salaries and other Charges ... ... ... 2,500 2 Ex-Clerk of Parliaments and Clerk of the Legislative Council (1 year's salary on retirement) ... 650 3 In addition to salaries provided by Legislature Act, 1908— Clerk of Parliaments and Clerk of Legislative Council (£650) ... ... ... 50 Clerk Assistant (£450), (£50 increase and £50 special allowance while acting as Clerk) ... 100 £ 1 2 2,500 3 650 50 100 3,300 Other Charges for and incidental to — 4 Staff of Minister leading Legislative Council ... 230 3,300 4 230 Total — Subdivision No. I... ... 3 3,530 Subdivision, No. II. — House of Bepresentatives. 1919-20. Total number of officers .. 13 5 Salaries— Second Clerk Assistant ... ... ... 450 Sergeant-at-Arms ... ... ... 270 Reader and Clerk of Bills and Papers ... ... 255 Interpreter ... ... ... 250 Accountant and Record Clerk ... ... 300 Chief Messenger ... ... ... 280 Messenger ... ... ... 215 Committee Clerks: 3 at £205 ... ... 615 Clerk, House Committee ... ... ... 230 Committee Clerk ... ... ... 150 Clerk, House Committee (7 months at £170) ... 100 In addition to salaries provided by Legislature Act, 1908— Clerk, House of Representatives (£650) ... 50 Clerk Assistant (£450) ... ... ... 50 5 450 270 255 250 300 280 215 615 230 150 100 50 50 3,215 Other Charges por and incidental to — 6 Office equipment and telephones ... ... 200 7 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 600 ' 3,215 6 7 200 600 I