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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


UNDER SPECIAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE- continued. 1919-20. r udicature Act, 1908— Superannuation allowances £ 1,920 r udicature Amendment Act, 1913-— Salaries of Judges of the Supreme Court 12,800 'jand Act, 1908— Payments to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts 47,000 jand Settlement Finance Act, 1909— Section 13 1,000 National Endowment Residue — £ For Education purposes ... ... 78,988 For Old-age Pensions .... ... 33,852 112,840 'jegislature Act, 1908— Payment to Members of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives 27,200 Legislative Officers' Salaries — Legislative Council— Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk Clerk Assistant House of Representatives— Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk Clerk Assistant 600 300 650 450 800 500 650 450 x-ocal Bodies' Loans Act, 1913 — Subsections 3 and 4 of section 70 550 lagistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1913 — Salaries of Magistrates 23,550 darlborough High School Act, 1899— Grant in aid 400 lilitia Acts Amendment Act, 1862 Pensions and Allowances 37 liners' Phthisis Act, 1915 — £ Pensions ... ... 13,000 Less credits from gold duty .. ... 4,500 8,500 Municipal Corporations Act, 1908— Subsidies payable 24,500 National Provident Fund Act, 1910 — £ Section 25 ... ... 13,852 Finance Act, 1916 — Maternity allowances (section 18) ... ... 4,000 Maternity allowances for Friendly Societies ... ... 15,000 32,852 kelson Harbour Act, 1905— Annual compensation in lieu of rents and profits of the lands excluded from endowments 500 lew Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874 — One-fourth of proceeds of Sales, &c, payable to Harbour Board 6,000 'lew Zealand Institute Act, 1908— General expenses of Institute 500