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received favourable treatment in the matter of insulated tonnage as compared with Dominion in spite of efforts made here in the direction of increased storage facilities to present capacity of 7,400,000 60 lb. freight carcases, as compared with 3,200,000 in Australia. For your information I. understand that Australia is making every effort to secure as much tonnage as possible for Australian requirements. Please advise names of steamers included in August tonnage. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. 30th July, 1919. Insulated tonnage: With reference to my telegram 14th July, your telegram 28th July, I have further represented seriousness of position to Australian Tonnage Committee. They are unable to allocate more than 17,000 tons during August, but hope to improve on the 30,000 tons promised during September. They inform me they are working to meet request contained in cable 421 from Wellington Tonnage Committee—namely, to reduce, quantity of meat in store in New r Zealand by Ist December to approximately 108,000 tons. —Mackenzie. From Right Hon. the Prime Minister to High Commissioner for New Zealand. 13th August, 1919. With reference to your cable of 30th July on the subject of insulated tonnage: New Zealand Overseas Shipowners' Committee has received advice giving names of following steamers available tor September loading: "Waimate," "Athenic," " Corinthic," "Zealandic," "Karamea," " Mamari," "Port Hacking," " Porl Melbourne," "Kumara," " Caniana." Total capacity of these steamers considerably less than 30,000 tons referred to in your cable. Please make inquiries and advise position by telegraph, as much apprehension exists regarding position at commencement new season. I shall be glad to receive information regarding names of August steamers requested in my telegram 28th July. From Governor-General of New Zealand to Secretary of State for the Colonies. 13th August. 1919. Urgent : Am desired by my Prime Minister to make following representations to you, and also to ask you to bring them under the notice of the President of the Board of Trade, th« Shipping Controller, and the Food Controller. Since his return to New Zealand the attention of my Prime Minister has been called to the fact that there is at present an accumulation of approximately 8,000,000 60 Ib. weight freight, carcases of meat in the freezing-stores throughout the Dominion awaiting shipment. Mr. Massey wishes to emphasize most strongly the seriousness of the position, both for the New Zealand producers and for the Imperial Government, as the latter is paying very large sums for storage. It may not be realized by the Board of Trade that at present the rate for storage is probably amounting to no less a sum than £1,000,000 sterling per annum. My Prime Minister therefore requests that an energetic effort should be made to reduce the stocks before the season commences about Ist November next, and in his opinion, if substantial relief is not forthcoming, he sees nothing but chaos in front of all concerned.— Liverpool. From Secretary of State for the Colonies to Governor-General of New Zealand. Dated 21st August, received 22nd August, 1919. With reference to your telegram of 13th August, meat : Board of Trade appreciate serious position of New Zealand, and has and are doing utmost provide tonnage, but efforts have been greatly impeded by circumstances beyond their control, such as influenza epidemics and labour troubles, and more recently coal shortage New Zealand.—Milner.

New Zealand Produce Requisitioned by British Government. Total Payments through Imperial Government Supplies Department from its inception in March, 1915, to the 25th October, 1019. £ Frozen meat ... ... ... ... ... ... 40,999,462 Cheese, 1915-16 season ... ... ... 918,104 Cheese, 1916-17 season ... ... ... ... ... 3,271,982 Cheese, 1917-18 season ... ... ... ... ... 5,011,388 Cheese, 1918-19 season ... ... ... ... ... 5,563,447 Cheese, 1919-20 season ... ... ... ... ... 209,210 Butter, 1917-18 season ... ... ... ... ... 2,828,893 Butter, 1918-19 season ... ... ... ... ... 2,993,820 Butter, 1919-20 season ... ... .. ... ... 48,931 Butter-equalization Funds ... ... ... ... ... 479,834 Scheelite ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154,978 Wool ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 38,718,429 Freezing-companies slipe wool ... ... ■■• ... 5,337,590 Sheep-skins ... ... ... ... 2,127,695 Hides ... ... 735,663 Other business ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,735,305 Total ... ... ... .... ... £111,134,731