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From Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Paris, to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister, Wellington. 24th March, received 29th March, 1919. Insulated tonnage: With reference to your telegram 3rd March, have much pleasure in informing you Shipping Controller notified me three additional ships arranged for April sailing. In my opinion position will improve steadily. —Massey. From Hon. the Acting Prime Minister to Right Hon. the Prime Minister, London. 25th March, 1919. Insulated tonnage : With reference to my telegram of 3rd March : Position of producers owing blockage in freezing-works is becoming increasingly difficult. Stock-markets are seriously depressed, and stock available for killing must depreciate unless early relief afforded. Strongly urge transfer tonnage from Australia, as it is understood prospect is that practically all Australian surplus meat and dairy-produce will be lifted before end of April, and it is publicly stated here that Australia is receiving undue preference in matter of meat tonnage. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. Question securing increase insulated ships for Zealand been urged vigorously during past month by Massey, who in addition consulting Controller and communicating with Imperial authorities has by. several interviews in Times, London, drawn pointed attention to Dominion's shipping needs. Massey now been advised by Controller that three additional steamers been assigned Zealand for April loading. —Mackenzie. From Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Paris, to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister, Wellington. 26th March, 1919. Insulated tonnage: Your telegram of 3rd March: Shipping Controller informs me that refrigerator ships formerly in Australasian trade, but recently running into Plate, being restored Australia and New Zealand as soon as they arrive Europe. — Massey. From Governor-General of New Zealand to Secretary of State for the Colonies. 26th March, 1919. Your telegram of 10th March : Owing to shortage of insulated tonnage the position of the freezing and stock-producing interests throughout New Zealand has become very serious. Stockmarkets are seriously depressed, aud stock available for killing must depreciate unless early relief afforded. My Ministers urge that question of transfer of tonnage from Australia to meet position here warrants serious consideration, as it is estimated that the quantity of refrigerated cargo awaiting shipment in New Zealand is approximately three times that in Australia, and it is further understood that the present prospect is that practically all Australian surplus meat and dairy-produce will be lifted before the end of April. It is further publicly stated, and the impression is prevalent here, that Australia is receiving undue preference in the matter of insulated tonnage. Quantity of frozen meat at present in freezing-stores throughout New Zealand awaiting shipment is approaching 6,000,000 carcases of 601b. each, compared with 3,250,000 this time last year.—Liverpool. From Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Paris, to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister, Wellington. Dated 28th March, received 4th April, 1919. With reference to my telegram of 24th March: Indication improvement in shipping position affecting New Zealand. Will be satisfactory producers learn after next week there will be thirteen insulated ships with drafts of returning troops in transit to Dominion. This number includes vessels due arrive shortly New Zealand and several leaving England within the next ten days. Reason to believe that several German merchant vessels will be allotted shipping companies New Zealand trade.—Massey. From Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Paris, to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister, Wellington. Dated 28th March, received 4th April, 1919. With reference to your telegram of 25th March : Shipping Controller informs me at the beginning of the year programme arranged for making what was deemed [word mutilated] perfectly fair allocation between Australia and New Zealand, taking into consideration sailings for Egypt as well as United Kingdom. From time to time programme has been modified in favour of New Zealand; see my telegrams of 24th. 27th, and 28th March on this subject. Secondly (confidential) : I am informed also Board of Trade and Food Ministry have decided to utilize for New Zealand meat, dairy-produce, shipping-space diverted from Australian apple allotment.— Massey. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. 11th April, 1919. Refrigerated tonnage : With reference to my telegram 25th February, I am informed by Tonnage Committee that present arrangements provide for lifting approximately following refrigerated produce: April, May, 24,000 tons each month; June, 40,000 tons; but that some April steamers may be delayed till May. lam also informed that by the end of April all Australian refrigerated steamers which have been employed' in Plate and other trades will be returned to their normal services, subject to direction of Imperial Government.—Mackenzie.

6—H. 38a.