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From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. Bth August, 1918. I have continued to keep before Ministry of Shipping great need of New Zealand for increase of tonnage, but regret to report no great relief yet in sight. Ministry of Shipping informs me that it is anticipated 5,800,000 cubic feet refrigerated space will be available from New Zealand to United Kingdom aud Egypt, July-December, 1918, inclusive, and that 26,000,000 cubic feet will be available during 1919 from Australasia. —Mackenzie. From Hon. the Acting Prime Minister to High Commissioner for New Zealand. I.sth August, 1918. With reference to your telegram of Bth August regarding refrigerated tonnage up to end December, 1918, and for year 1919 : Have noted that 26,000,000 cubic feet has been allotted for Australasia for 1919, but it is essential that we should have some idea as to New Zealand's proportion of that amount. As there is very little difference in the total export of meat, butter, and cheese from Australia as compared with New Zealand the allocation should be as nearly as possible equal. Steps are being taken to provide extra freezing-accommodation as far as possible in New Zealand, hence it is necessary that we should have something approaching definite information as to the total shipments of these commodities for next year. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. 17th September, 1918. With reference to your telegram of 15th August, provision of refrigerated tonnage : Have pressed Ministry Shipping for estimate of proportion likely to be available for New 'Zealand, but they state that at present it is impossible to give figure with any degree of accuracy, and that allocation must necessarily depend on requirements in connection with South America as well as Australia. I am, however, again pressing for indication of proportion likely to be available, and will continue urge needs of New Zealand, and advise by telegraph any alteration which may be made from time to time. —Mackenzie. From Hon. the Acting Prime Minister to High Commissioner for New Zealand. 27th September, 1918. With reference to your telegram of 17th September: Press cablegram from Washington reads as follows : " Mr. Hoover, Administrator Food Law, in statement sa}'s it will be necessary to ship 17,550,000 tons meats, fats, breadstuffs, sugar, and food-grains to Europe from United States by July, 1919, to make possible sending of American Army of 3,500,000 to France by next summer and adequately provision Allied nations." Mr. Hoover points out that to obtain necessary tonnage for transportation food and troops it will be necessary withdraw Allied ships from Australian and South American trade, transferring them to service between Europe and North America. Foregoing causing much concern here, and I should be glad if you would make inquiries and furnish all possible information on subject with a view to ascertaining whether Dominion's shipping requirements will be in any way affected. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. 30th September, 1918. Tonnage: With reference to your telegram of 27th September have interviewed Shipping Controller, who states that position not improved, as demand for enormously increased shipping has been made by America. I remonstrated with him, pointing out total inadequacy of provision made for New Zealand. He stated that he will grant me interview this week and show how every ship was being disposed of. I [word mutilated] shipping circle that America placed on Great Britain burden of conveying troops and food to Europe while she is using some of her fleet to secure trade for herself in other parts of the world. lam representing this phase to the Shipping Controller, and consider that New Zealand Government should also press for information as to disposal of American ships and the proportion engaged in spheres other than transport of troops. —Mackenzie. From High Commissioner for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. Bth October, 1918. Tonnage : Your telegram of 27th September : Ministry of Shipping inform me whole Allied food arrangements now being carefully reviewed, and promise to advise immediately in the event of such review necessitating alteration, but meanwhile ask that information contained in my telegram of Bth August, should be regarded as holding and not cancelled by statements of Hoover. —Mackenzie. From High Commissioner, for New Zealand to Hon. the Acting Prime Minister. 10th October, 1918. Tonnage: I have had personal interview with Shipping Controller and reviewed with him whole position. He hopes to be able to adhere to programme referred to in my telegram Bth August— i.e., to provide 5,800,000 cubic feet refrigerated space for second half this year, and share of 26,000,000 cubic feet for 1919; but he states that it is absolutely impossible to indicate what portion latter likely to be available for New Zealand, because allocation as between New Zealand and Australia depends entirely on Food Ministry demands. He has promised give preference butter, cheese, over meat, at least for the present. Shipping Controller promised to look into question of hemp and if possible to increase shipments. —Mackenzie.