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4. The governing dates for age will be, — Ist July following for a June examination; Ist January following for a December examination : provided that for the December, 1919, examination a candidate will be accepted who has not attained the age of eighteen and a half on the Ist November, 1919. 5. Recruiting officers will not call to the colours a youth who can produce a certificate from the headmaster of a school which maintains a contingent of the Officers' Training Corps, or from the W T ar Office to the effect that it is his bona fide intention to compete at an Army Entrance Examination and that he has a reasonable prospect of success. A candidate who is not a member of a school which maintains an Officers' Training Corps Contingent should apply to the Secretary, War Office, stating some other educational authority to whom reference can be made. The exemption from colour service will hold good until the result of the Army Entrance Examination in which he has been competing has been announced. 6. To be eligible to receive marks for military efficiency under para. 11a (b) of the Provisional Regulation i for the Royal Military Academy and Royal Military College respectively a candidate must have passed the practical test in military subjects held in connection with the Army Entrance Examination in which he intends to compete. N.B.—To have qualified at the practical test for a previous examination is of no avail. 7. An Army Order giving further particulars and amending the provisional regulations will shortly be issued. 8. A.C.Is. 1874 of 1916 and 26 of 1917 are hereby cancelled. 100, Candidates, 5988 (S.D. 3a). By command of the Army Council. R. H. Brade.

No. 21. New Zealand, Dominions No. 303. My Lord, — Downing Street, 31st May, 1918. With reference to my despatch, No. 71, of the 3rd April, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, copies of an extract from the London Gazette of the 17th May containing a Royal Warrant, dated the 30th April, amending the sixth clause of the Royal Red Cross Warrant. I have, &c, WALTER H. LONG. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl, of Liverpool, P.0., G.C.M.G, M.V.0., «&c.

Enclosure. War Office, 17th May, 1918. Royal Warrant amending Sixth Clause of Royal Red Cross Warrant. George R.I. Whereas by our Royal Warrant dated the 10th November, 1915, the Decoration of the Royal Red Cross was divided into two classes, recipients of the second class being eligible for advancement to the first class : And whereas no provision was made in our said Royal Warrant for the disposal of the Cross of the Second Class of a recipient who is advanced to the first class : It is our will and pleasure, and We do hereby ordain, that the sixth clause of our said Royal Warrant shall, as from the date thereof, be read as follows :— Sixthly.—Recipients of the second class of the decoration shall be eligible for advancement to the first class as vacancies may arise, and on such advancement the Cross shall be returned to the office of our Secretary of State for War. fiiven at our Court at St. James's, this 30th day of April, 1918, in the eighth year of our reign. By His Majesty's command. MILNER. (Extract from the London Gazette No. 30G88, 17th May, 1918.)

No. 22. New Zealand, Dominions No. 312. My Lord, — Downing Street, sth June, 1918. I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that a despatch has been received from His Majesty's Minister at Panama regarding the establishment of new passport regulations in Cost Rica.