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Table showing Results of Examinations of Specimens received from 1st April, 1918, to 31st March, 1919 —continued.

Material. Object of Examination. Result. Total. Positive. Negative. Blood Cultures Counts Widal reaction Wasserman reaction Miliaria Filaria 2 3 5 153 132 609 741 407 8 11 19 1 Total 1,326 Cerebro-spinal fluid . . Meningococcus B. influenza; . . Pneumococcus Tubercle bacillus . . ' .. Streptococcus 39 37 76 2 1 3 4 .. 4 1 10 11 2 .. 2 Total 96 Stomach contents Chemical Microscopical 21 2 Total 23 Skin-parasites 3 6 9 Inoculated culture tubes [for examination 138 Urine .Microscopical Bacteriological Chemical Tubercle bacillus 304 205 70 16 82 98 Total .. 677 Pieces Parasites B. typhosus . . B. enteritidis . . .. B. paratyphosus Tubercle bacillus Chemical (i 21 27 5 32 37 4 .. 4 2 .. 2 2 9 II 11 Total 92 Autogenous vaccines (For particulars sec separate table) 410 Tissues For pathological examination 243 Disinfectants For carbolic coefficient 5 Water 1 Unclassified 37 Animal inoculations .. Guinea-pigs Babbits Mice 9 5 5 Total 19 Total for year 24,628