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The Alexandra Home, Wellington : There were ninety-nine births in the Home, and 102 in the district. Three deaths of infants, and two of adults (from influenza). Six nurses were trained and registered. Salvation Maternity Hospital, Gisborne: There were forty confinements. Thirty-seven children were born alive, and three still-births. There were no deaths, No pupils were I ruined. Salvation Maternity Hospital, Auckland : There were forty-eight confinements. Forty-four children were born alive, and four still births. There were no maternal deaths, and three deaths of infants. No pupils were trained. Salvation Maternity Hospital, Roslyn : There were forty-one confinements. forty children were born alive, and one still-birth. There were no maternal deaths, and five deaths of children. No pupils were trained. • Salvation Army Maternity Hospital, Kensington Street, Wellington: Fifty-two patients were Confined during the year. Forty-seven children were born alive, and five still-birihs. There was one maternal death (from influenza), and three deaths of infants. One pupil was trained and registered. Salvation Army Bethany Home, Napier : There were thirty-four confinements. Thirty-two children were born alive, and two still-born. There were three deaths of infants, and no maternal deaths. One pupil was trained and registered. Salvation Army Maternity Home, Christchurch : There were twenty-three confinements. Twenty children were born alive, and four still-born. There were no deaths of infants, and one maternal death (from influenza). No pupils were trained. Massage. During the pasl year the extension of the training of students for the above work has been great. Owing chiefly to the fuel thai so many masseuses are required for (he treatment of soldiers, a great many young women have entered for this profession, with a view to offering their services for war work. The Defence Department, foreseeing the great need there would be, on the return of the men, for operations in this and electrical treatment, have enlisted and put under a course of training at the Otago School of Massage seventy young women, who after the six months' University course, were drafted to the orlhopiedic hospitals at Christchurch and Trenlham and some to Rotorua. while others remained at Dunedin to complete their (raining with the military patients at the hospital there under Captain While and Miss Knox Anderson. Besides these students, among the last class of whom there are seven returned military sislers. twenty or more of the sisters on service in England have gone through the course and arc now returning. The Defence Depart moid also cabled for three specially trained masseuses to act as instructors under engagement for three years at the pay fur charge sisters and their expenses out from England and back. The Dominion should shortly be well provided with masseuses. The course fur the military students, for whom all fees are paid, and who are also paid all living-expenses and a small weekly sum for pocket-money in consideration of Iwo years' service after the war. is the same as that for the ordinary students, and they will be required In pass the same examinations. They will be eligible for admission to the Register of Masseurs as soon as the proposed Bill is passed by Parliament, and in the meantime will receive a certificate which will entitle them to registration. _ The training of male students is practically at a standstill. There are very few applicants. An attempt was made by the military authorities to train orderlies for this work, but without much success, and it appears now to be recognized, even by those doctors who were most averse to masseuses treating male patients, that, like nursing, this is pre-eminently women's work. 11. Maclean.

HOSPITALS, CHAKITABLE, AND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE. The Sechltauy to the [nspector-Geneeal hi- Hospitals and CHIEF Health OFFICER. The expenditure of the Department during the past year was as follows: — Expended, 1018-10. Permanent Appropriations— __ £ Subsidies under the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act ... 272,504 Departmental vote from the Public Works Fund 2,332 Departmental vote from the Consolidated Fund ... ... ... 123,420 Total £389,316 Recoveries — Credits in reduction of votes ... ••• 20,613 Miscellaneous revenue 6,120 Total ... •■• • £26,733 Net expenditure ... ■•• -£371,583 Much of the recoveries shown under " Credits " in reduction of the vote is revenue pure and simple.