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List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1918— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Pension No. ...... - ... VT Annual Pension m„„_. Name - Amount. No. Name - Annual Amount. 725 784 199 709 78 773 437 1004 737 262 914 776 1107 1028 524 17 578 759 534 1100 450 611 1030 472 451 145 907 888 481 1026 1051 363 466 701 947 147 376 930 660 229 196 800 431 1106 957 940 1491029 679 1099 628 1022 878 152 698 883 82 452 664 253 303 153 749 ]_ I " " """ ' " ! ~~ I ' £ a. d. Brought forward. . 82,551 18 9 Brought forward... Gordon William F.... 190 0 0 154 Jones, Edmund Gossage, Eichard I. 147 14 0 1027 I Jones, Fredk. Alfred Gould, Eleanor S. ... I 8 8 10 386 Jones, Lucy M. Gourley, Hugh ... 14613 0 255 Jordan, George Grant, John ... | 76 4 7 415 Joslin, Daniel Greatbatch, John E. i 139 18 0 453 FCahi, Hoani Green, Henry ... 189 12 0 267 Kavanagh, Henry P. Grey, William G. ... 133 6 0 665 Kelling, Ernest C. ... Griffith, Thomas ... 117 11 0 789 ' Kelly, William Grix, Julian J. D. ... j 152 17 0 243 Kennaway, Sir Walter Gvton, George S. ... 97 8 0 573 Kennedy, James ... Haddrell, Walter H. 166 12 0 581 Kepple,'William ... Hale, Charles ... 56 4 0 666 Kerr, Alexander ... Hanson, John ... 149 0 0 509 Key, John Philip ... Harding, William A. 160 11 0 738 Keys, George A. ... Hargood, Horace H. 36 5 8 261 ! Kidson, Charles B.... Harrington, W. J. ... 142 12 0 965 Kiernan, Henry W. Harris, Harry C. ... 132 19 0 : 1019 Kilfoyle, Thomas ... Harvey, James ... 143 3 0 722 King, John M. Haselden, William E. 27114 0 387 King, Joshua Hastie, Thomas ... 58 7 0 978 King, Thomas Hatchard, Henry ... 7115 0 113 King, William J. ... Hay, Joseph ... 217 4 0 606 Kirker, Thomas ... Hazelwood, Alfred W.' 96 13 0 306 Knapp, Charles ... Heath, Joseph H. E. ! 90 6 0 455 Knight, Frederick ... Heidenstrom.C. P. S. 44 19 7 499 j Knowles, William W. Henaghan, Patrick... 115 3 0 1096 j Lambie, Thomas ... Hennah, William H. 143 9 0 600 j Landers, John Henry, Eichard ... 45 15 0 79 I Larchin, Thomas ... Herbert, Patrick ... 194 0 0 212 : Laseron, Edward W. Herlihy, Patrick J. 127 16 0 559 Law, George ..7 Heywood, James B. 521 13 0 997 j Lechner, Eichard E. Hickman, Thomas ... 115 12 0 971 Le Cocq, Thomas W. Hiekson, Eichard J. S. 112 4 0 952 ' Ledger, John L. H. Higgins, William H. 157 2 0 1092 ; Leece, James D. ... Hill, George ... 20 10 1 710 j Levy, Mark J. Hill, Silvanus C. ... 159 8 0 680 j Lewis, Henry J. ... Hill, William ... 38 16 0 681 Liddell, James W. ... Hilliard, William ... 115 5 0 383 ' Lindesay, Thomas ... Hird, William J. ... 27 18 0 533 Lindsay, John ... Hodge, John G. ... 57 8 0 385 Livingstone, Thomas Hogg, Eobert ... 29 6 0 308 Lloyd, David Holloway, Luke H. 183 12 0 640 j Logan, Samuel F. ... Hollywood, John ... 173 7 0 716 Lomas, John Hooper, John E. ... 207 6 0 682 Lopas, John B. Howard, Margaret ... 45 15 0 485 Lord, John O. Humphries, Thomas 466 13 4 1097 Loughnan, Frank O. Hunt, Francis W. ... j 220 0 0 905 Lucas, Alfred Hunter William ... ! 88 3 0 SCO Lynch, John Hutchison, Thomas 298 17 0 529 Lynch, Eobert F. ... Hvams, Isaac ... 155 13 0 700 Lyons, William Inder, Simeon ...I 284 11 0 467 Macalister, Eobert... Ingpen, Francis A.B ; 183 1 0 720 McCallion, Patrick... Ironside, Alexander 115 8 10 667 MacDermott.Wm. C. Isbister, William ... 226 1 0 444 McDonald, Donald... Israel, Ernest A. ... 159 16 0 445 McDonald, Elizabeth Jacobs, Nathaniel ... 47 11 7 591 McDougall, Hugh A. Jamieson, Charles ... 58 1 0 966 McGibbon, James ... Jamieson, John 36 0 0 696 McGilp, Alexander .. Jeffries, Henry ... 152 8 11 993 McGirr, William P. Jeffries, John ... j 98 11 0 264 McGonagle, Eobert Johnson, Henry D. 119 8 0 22 MacGoun, DuncanM. Johnston, Eobert A. 254 3 0 323 McGovern, Francis... £ s. d. 41,345 4 2 59 4 5 13 8 0 17 4 0 106 4 0 84 5 0 94 6 0 81 13 4 198 5 0 127 18 0 474 15 0 97 2 0 112 17 0 31 5 0 79 18 0 162 18 0 72 5 0 159 10 0 173 7 0 297 13 0 145 5 0 190 6 0 3 13 0 173 7 0 104 0 6 101 13 0 77 9 0 210 0 0 57 9 0 204 16 2 44 6 7 60 10 0 195 11 0 197 8 0 400 0 0 130 3 0 129 7 0 119 11 0 19 18 0 56 17 0 36 5 0 160 7 0 78 0 4 161 10 0 217 7 0 52 13 0 29 6 0 111 5 0 100 10 0 132 17 0 257 3 0 130 13 0 64 2 0 65 2 0 167 1 0 22 14 0 15 2 0 58 1 0 15 7 0 115 12 0 213 7 0 21 11 0 48 0 0 240 0 0 Carried forward ...41,345 4 2 Carried forward ... 41,345 4 2 48,860 5 6