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Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1919, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1919.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1919.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


Class of Certificate. AOJ cn cd Ph icklai ■d p '3 (in id. 13 rrj in A ffl ,-H Cj Cd Ph h Welling! ;on. ■ci OJ ffl ffl a! 44 ■ttelti in. Dunedi ip tr, QJ j rjj cd i 3 Ph I In in. Oth< ■0 rr QJ cd ffl 44 ffl O CO H Ph a Plo ■d o "3 ices. 5 ■d r-H CJ ca cn 44 ffl O cj bri Ph 'otals. ■d a 3 "3 ' o Ph H i i 49 0 -w O IP 4'3 49 o H Foreign-going masters and mates Homo - trade masters and matos River-steamer masters Master, fishing-boat or cargovessel undor 25 tons register Compass syllabus Seagoing onginoers (steam) River-steamer engineers .. Marino ongine-drivors Seagoing engineers (mechanical power other than steam) River ongineors (mechanical powor other than steam) 7 8 15 15 16 31 6 8 14 3 1 3 31 33 64 9 1 10 9 5 14 5 2 7 23 8 31 4 3 5 4 1 1 3 3 8 3 1 1 9 4 1 16 5 1 16 2 is 6 1 17 1 25 2 3 13 4 38 2 i2 4 i l i3 5 19 1 1 1 •4 1 23 2 1 1 i3 4 4 1 i7 5 2 85 16 2 38 4 24 4 6 109 20 2 39 5 5 16 3 111 1 27 2 29 2 2 1 1 69 6 75 1)9 107 Totals I 37 96 391 89 18 107 59 29 12 41 25 6 31 105 14 119 307 84

Date of Issue. April 25, 1918 » 20, „ June 18, „ July 8, „ Name, Date of Issue. .. Reginald Cnarles McMaster .. July 8,1918 .. Arthur Geoffrey Weld .. Aug. 20, „ .. Reginald John Ford .. Charles MeNaughton Brown.. Mar. 25, 1919 Date of Issue. I. Name. .. Cyril Thomas Petrio. .. Lancelot Hall. .. Leo Paul O'Connell. Name.

No. of License. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Kosidence. Date of Expiry of License. 43 47 49 Oot. 10, 1918 .. Felix Black . 30, „ .. Richard Edward Smith Dec. 19, „ .. William Andrew Smith .. Wollington .. Auckland .. Wellington .. Oct. 8,1919. .. . 30, „ .. Jan. 19, 1920.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. April 9, 1890 May 15, . 5, , April 27, 1897 May 27, . July 27, , Sept. 1, „ Aug. 18, 1898 April 26, 1899 June 26, 1900 July 27, „ Nov. 27, „ Mar. 27, 1903 Oct. 19, „ Nov. 1, 1906 Feb. 6, 1907 „ 22, 1909 May 28, , Oot. 23, » June 19, 1911 Nov. 16, , 3, 1913 27, 1914 Feb. 10, 1915 Sept. 27, 1918 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang . j George Urquhart Thomson Frederick William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gilford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddelston Neville Charles Frederick Sundstrum John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie .. Frederick Pryce Evans David Todd Norman Macdonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robert Crawford Fredorio George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Colonna John Jonathan Elven Richard Chamberlain Harbord William Robert Allen Dunedin. • Nolson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington. Dunedin. Bluff. Auckland. Wollington. Totara North. Christehuroh. Bluff." Port Ahuriri.