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Table showing the Various Kinds of Fish caught and approximately the Total Quantities and Value of Fish landed at the different Fishing-ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1919.

The Chairman, Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery, to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— Dunedin, N.Z., 23rd May, 1.919. The last report of the Board of the Marine, Fish-hatchery addressed to yourself was dated 30th April, 1916, and brought up the account of the work done, at the station to the end of the financial year —viz., 31st March. Since then, owing chiefly to the sad death, of the, first curator, Mr. Thomas Anderton, on the, 4th November of that year, considerable changes have necessarily taken place. The continuance of the war complicated matters, and though all requisite work has been carried on without a break, and the station is kept in the best of order, it has been to some extent a case of marking time. Owing to various causes, and to heavy calls on my own time, I was unable, to furnish a report in time either in 1917 or last year. I have now much pleasure in doing so for the three years ending 31st March, 1919. The most serious event in the history of the hatchery was the death of our late curator. Mr. Anderton had not enjoyed good health for the previous two or three years ; indeed, the very severe ordeal he underwent in 1913, when he brought out a large consignment of herring-ova and other marine material to New Zealand, appeared to have undermined his constitution. He was never the same man afterwards, In October, 1916, he became seriously ill, and succumbed to the malady —tumour

Jompi led from the figures given in the District Inspectors' reports :'rom t he for the ye; :ar.) Name of Port. Kinds of Fish caught. Total Weight. | Total Value. Hokianga Russell Mullet, snapper, flounder, and kahawai Mullet, snapper, flounder, hapuku, kingfish, tarakihi, and kahawai Snapper, mullet, flounder, hapuku, and gurnard Mullet, flounder, snapper, and kahawai Snapper, mullet, trevally, flounder, john-dory, hapuku, gurnard, kahawai, tarakihi, kingfish, barraoouta, and garfish Snapper, flounder, sole, kahawai, and garfish Snapper, hapuku, trevally, kahawai, moki, kingfish, and flounder Snapper, tarakihi, gurnard, flounder, sole, and crayfish Flounder, sole, snapper, gurnard, blue cod, butternoh, hapuku, moki, trumpeter, ling, barraoouta, kingfish, trevally, warehou, and crayfish Flounder, snapper, hapuku, blue cod, mullet, and kahawai Whitebait, flounder, snapper, and kahawai Snapper, hapuku, kingfish, warehou, butterfish, blue cod, flounder, sole, and kahawai Blue cod, hapuku, herring, butterfish, and flounder Flounder, sole, tarakihi, moki, butterfish, ling, snapper, garfish, and ei'ayfish Snapper, flo.under, gurnard, kahawai, moki, garfish, hapuku, herring, blue cod, butterfish, barraoouta, and crayfish Hapuku, snapper, blue cod, kahawai, herring, flounder, sole, crayfish, and whitebait Hapuku, snapper, herring, red cod, sole, flounder, and whitebait Flounder, herring, kahawai, snapper, hapuku, and whitebait .. Groper, ling, kingfish, flounder, trumpeter, and blue cod Flounder, herring, and whitebait Flounder, kahawai, whitebait, and herring Flounder, herring, and red cod Groper, ling, red cod. herring, flounder, garfish, butterfish, moki, and trevally Gropor, blue cod, red cod, trevally, moki, butterfish, flounder, sole, ling, tarakihi, and crayfish Groper, sole, flounder, brill, ling, red cod, gurnard, barraoouta, and elephant-fish Groper, red cod, blue cod, moki, warehou, barraoouta, and ling Groper, blue cod, red cod, moki, warehou, barraoouta, and ling Groper, kingfish, ling, barraoouta, bluo cod, red cod, moki, trumpeter, bream, tarakihi, trevally, herring, garfish, elephantfish, flounder, sole, and brill Blue cod, red cod, groper, and flounder Blue cod, groper, flounder, trevally, trumpeter, and sole Blue cod, red cod, groper, butterfish, and moki Blue cod and groper . . .. Cwt. Not sup 2,400 £ s. d. plied. 12,200 0 0 Whangarei Kaipara Auckland 2,470 5,620 74,232 3,458 0 0 5,152 0 0 70,096 0 0 Thames Tauranga Gisbomo Napier 27,700 Not sup 3,125 j 11,557* 15,245 18 0 plied. 4,130 0 0 .16,070 0 0 Wanganui Foxton Wellington 103 100 10,400 198 0 0 1,120 0 0 20,160 0 0 Picton Blenheim 91 540 1,700 0 0 850 0 0 Nelson 908t 823 0 0 Westport 1,168$ 2,567 0 0 Greymouth Hokitika Kaikoura Rangiora Kaiapoi Southbridge Lyttelton 76 447 2,860 91 573 200 6,000 180 0 0 2,347 0 0 8,500 0 0 677 0 0 2,510 0 0 1,060 0 0 12,000 0 0 Akaroa 1,560J 1,664 0 0 Timaru 5,000 8,000 0 0 Oamaru .. .. j Moeraki .. ,. D u n e d i n and Port Chalmers 3,548 2,556 34,180 2,189 0 0 2,186 0 0 35,889 0 0 Invercargill Bluff Stewart Island Chatham Islands 645 5,202 3,568 3,624 733 0 0 6,841 0 0 5,981 0 0 3,749 15 0 Totals 216,531 248,276 13 0 • Also 3:10 sai cks crayfish and 400 sacks pipi, t Also 120 dozen crayfish. J Also t Also 120 dozen crayfish. J Also 70 sacks crayfish.