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gust of wind at Auckland. There has been a difficulty about a site, in the Albert Park, to which it was at first proposed to move the pressure-tube anemometer from. Mount Etako Wireless Station, Wellington. During some repairs to the roof part of the apparatus was carried away and injured, and it has not been in use pending a decision as to the Auckland anemometer, which may now be secured. " My plans for developing district weather-reporting in conjunction with the Post and Telegraph Department have received approval from those upon whose co-operation we rely, and will, I trust, be carried out in the New Year. It is also proposed to train observers in elementary meteorology so that reports may be more trustworthy. " The, conferences of scientific meteorologists from British and Allied countries are to take place in September in London and Paris. The aim is to secure the advances made during the war in meteorology at the cost of so much effort and valuable life.- Never in the world has weather been so closely and scientifically studied as at the western front, where its influence was most pronounced in the fortunes of the war. It is now seen that the world's weather must be studied on a larger scale than hitherto, and wider co-operation provided for. There must also be a standardization of instruments and uniformity of method in. observations. Systems of weather warnings must also be adopted such as can be understood in every country. We, for instance, have storm signals of our own, different from other.countries, and it is desirable that we should have only one system at least in the British Empire. Again, we use the inch scale in rainfall, and for our barometers the inch and tenth, whereas Great Britain has adopted the millibar. Until this system, however, is more widely recognized, or receives the sanction of a conference, we have not deemed, it advisable to adopt it in this Dominion. 1 have reported to the Air Force Adviser, Colonel Bettington, C.M.G., as to the New Zealand climate, with a view to aviation. I have also considered with him the improvements which must necessarily be adopted when aviation comes. These improvements will involve an increase of our scientific or professional staff, and closer and more regular observations of atmospheric conditions, so that we may be able to give more detailed and frequent weather forecasts. " During hostilities all weather reports from ships have been suspended, but experience proves that they must not be again undertaken without regular inspection of instruments on the ships, and. proper understandings with officers reporting ocean weather. The equipment of the radio-stations at Awanui and Awarua with meteorological instruments is also proposed, and good results may be expected from a trained staff continuously on duty." Inspection of Machinery. A. report by the Chief Inspector on the work carried out by his branch of the Department during the, year is appended. Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery. Appended is a report on this hatchery by Mr. G. M. Thomson, M.L.C., the Chairman of the Hatchery Board. Officers of Department who served during the War. The following officers of the Department performed military service during the war : Buckland, J. E. F. . . Died in camp in New Zealand. Burke, A. P. .. Served in France. Burns, P. C. T. .. Served in France. Butler, J. .. Wounded in France. ('ollins, C. L. .. Served in France. Davis, C. W. . . Was in camp in New Zealand, from which he was discharged as medically unfit.Duthie, J. .. ' .. Served in France. Hay, D. .. .. Served in France. Hutchison, 0. . . Killed in action in France. King, T. J. . . . . Performed service at Gallipoli. Lawrence, D. N. .. Wounded in Somme battle. Martin, J. A. .. Served in France, from where he transferred to naval service. Meyer, F. . . . . Served in France. Millier, B. W. . . Served in France. Morrison, S. H. .. Served in France. O'Leary, J. 0. .. Went to Samoa ; afterwards served at Gallipoli, where he was wounded, and in France, where he was again wounded and afterwards killed in action. Powell, S. .. .. Served in Egypt. Reid, 11. J. .. .. Served in Egypt. Robertson, J. .. Served in France. Rees, V. FT. . . Served in France. Scully, J. .. Was in camp in New Zealand, from which he was discharged as medically unfit. Sharrock, F. . . Served in France ; was wounded. Smith, J. P. . . Served in France ; was wounded. Smith, N. M. . . Was in camp in New Zealand, but was discharged as medically unfit. Stretton, A. . . Served in France ; was wounded. Te Warn, M. .. Served at Samoa. Wakeling, F. G. .. Served in France ; was wounded. Weir, G. H. .. Served in Samoa and France ; was wounded at Messines. Williams, F. .. Served at Gallipoli.