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Table V.—Schedule of Inquiries held under the Public Service Act, 1912.

APPENDIX. REPORT OF THE PUBLIC STORES TENDER BOARD FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1919. The Board met on five occasions during the year. Mr. 3. Orchiston filled the position of Chairman up to the date of his retirement from the Public Service, when Mr. E. A. Shrimpton was appointed to the Board and elected Chairman. Mr. Marcus Marks, Government Printer, -was also appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. J. Mackay. The value of tenders let during the year was £28,613 7s. 5d., while tenders to the value of £28,917 3s. 6d. were declined. It was not considered advisable, owing to the uncertain state of the hardware market, to enter into contracts for supplies of hardware during the year. Contracts were, however, let for supplies of cement, bricks, drain-pipes, and other articles of New Zealand manufacture, and for the supply of petrol and oils, on satisfactory terms. Suitable arrangements were also entered into with various firms for the continuance of existing contracts. Contracts for the supply of bicycle and motor-car covers and tubes were arranged, also for the supply of woollen goods and clothing for the Mental Hospitals Department, and of uniforms for the Department of Internal Affairs. Owing to the uncertain conditions of trade and slapping various Departments of the Public Service did not avail, themselves of the services of the Board to the same extent as in previous years, having no doubt found it more convenient to negotiate purchases or to arrange for the continuance of existing contracts as in the previous year. Tendering was, for the greater part, restricted to items of local and Australian manufacture and to articles readily procurable in the United States of America and in Canada. Curtailment of works no doubt also accounts for the small value of purchases. All contracts entered into during the year were satisfactorily carried out. E. A. Shrimpton, Chairman.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,050 copies), £5;',.

Authority : Marcus K. Marks. Government Printer, Wellington. —1919.

Price In.]

Department in which Officer concerned was -r. , employed. Decision of Commissioner. Customs .. .. .. .. Officer dismissed. nternal Affairs .. .. .. Charge not proved. ,, . . . . . . ,, ,, .. .... Officer dismissed. 5 ost and Telegraph. . .. .. Officer required to resign. 'ublic Works .. .. .. Services terminated. ,, .. .. .. Reprimanded with loss of pay during suspension. To be transferred, and to bear half-cost of removal expenses. ,, .. .. . . Officer dismissedi\ea.. r .„ -..„;„„i.„j.„,i (/nicer reinstated.