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Enclosure. Dominions Royal Commission, Spencer House, 27 St. James's Place, Sir, — London S.W. 1, 15th December, 1917. With reference to the information collected by the Dominions Royal Commission as to ports and harbours in the British Empire and abroad which lias recently been published as Cd. 8641, I am directed by the Chairman of the Commission to request that the attention of the Secretary of State for the Colonies may be called to the acknowledgments contained at the end of the introductory memorandum. The Commission .is most grateful to those who have supplied and corrected the particulars given, and I am to ask that an expression of its thanks may be communicated to the authorities concerned. I have, &c, E. J. Harding, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Secretary.

No. 10. New Zealand, No. 5. My Lord, — Downing Street, 9th January, 1918. With reference to my predecessor's despatch, No. 12, of the 6th January, 1916, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copies of a Royal Warrant instituting a bar for the Royal Red Cross, First Class. I have, &c, WALTER H. LONG. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, P.C., G.C.M.G., M.V.0., &o.

Enclosure. Royal Warrant instituting a Bar for the Royal Red Cross, First Class. George R.I. Whereas we arc desirous of providing for the recognition of further distinguished services in the case of persons who have been awarded the Royal Red Cross Decoration, First Class, it is our will and pleasure and we do hereby ordain that any one who, after having rendered services for which the Royal Red Cross Decoration, First Class, is awarded, subsequently renders such approved services as would, if she had not received I he said decoration, have, entitled her to the same, shall be awarded a bar to be attached to the said decoration. Given at our Court at Saint James's, this 15th da)' of December, 1917, in the eighth year of our reign. By His Majesty's command, Derby.

No. 11. New Zealand, No. 14. My Lord, — Downing Street, 17th January, 1918. I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, copies of a circular which has been received from the United States Consul-General respecting passport regulations. I have, &c, WALTER 11. LONG. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, P.0., G.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c. Enclosure. Control of Persons proceeding to the United States of America. The following information is published for the guidance of persons who desire to enter the United States of America during the war, and embodies the substance of instructions issued jointly by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Labour, under date of the 26th July, 1917.