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(c.) In the application to such works of sections 1 (2) (d) and 19 of the Copyright Act, 1911, the date of this Order shall be substituted for the commencement of the Act in section 19 (7) and 19 (8) wherever that expression occurs, and the 16th June, 1917, for the passing of the Act. (d.) In the application to such works of the provisions of section 24 of the Copyright Act, 1911, the date of tin's Order shall be substituted for the commencement of the Act wherever that expression occurs in subsection (1) («), and for the 26th July, 1910, in subsection (1) (b). And the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury are to give the necessary orders accordingly. Almeric Fitzßoy. (Extract from the London Gazette No. 30384, 16th November, 1917.)

No. 5. New Zealand, Dominions No. 788. My Lord, — Downing Street, 7th December, 1917. W T ith reference to my telegram of the 30th November, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copies of an Army order on the subject of the grant of the " 1914 Star." I have, &c, WALTER H. LONG. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, P.C., G.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. Army Order. War Office, 24th November, 1917. //. British Expeditionary Forces, 19M f .—Grant of " 191/f. Star." I. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to signify his pleasure to recognize, by the grant of a distinctive decoration, the services rendered by His Majesty's Military Forces under the command of Field-Marshal Sir J. D. P. French, G.C.8., G.C.V.0., K.C.M.G., in France and Belgium during the earlier phase of the war in 1.914. up to midnight 22/23rd November, 1914. 2. The decoration will be a Star in bronze. •'!. No clasp will be issued with the Star. 4. The riband will be red, white, and blue, shaded and watered. 5. Provided the claims are approved by the Army Council, the Star will be granted to all officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the British and Indian Forces, including civilian medical practitioners, nursing sisters, nurses, and others employed with military hospitals, who actually served in France or Belgium, on the establishment of a unit of the British Expeditionary Forces, between the sth August, 1914, and midnight on the 22/23rd November 1914. 6. Officers i/c records will prepare (on printed forms to be obtained from the Secretary, War Office (A.G. 10)), nominal rolls, in duplicate, of soldiers entitled to the Star, and forward them as soon as practicable to the Secretary, War Office (A.G. 10). 7. Officers (including chaplains and acting-chaplains) and nursing staffs (excluding the rank and file of the Royal Army Medical Corps), if not now serving, will submit their claims direct to the Secretary, War Office; if now serving, through their present commanding officers or heads of Departments, stating their rank and situation on original date of disembarkation, which must be specified. In the case of deceased officers and other ranks, applications from their legatees or next-of-kin should, in the former case, be addressed to the Secretary, War Office (A.G. 10), and, in the latter case, to the officers i/c records concerned. 8. The names of officers and warrant officers will be entered on the rolls in order of rank, and those of non-commissioned officers and men in alphabetical order. The rank and regimental number entered on the rolls will be that held by an individual on the date of disembarkation. 9. The names of individuals who have forfeited the Star under the conditions laid down in pay warrant are to be included in the rolls, their names being entered in red ink and the cause of forfeiture stated in the column for " Remarks." The names of individuals who have become non-effective by death, transfer, discharge, &<?., should also be entered in red ink, and the cause stated in the column for " Remarks." By command of the Army Council. R. H. Brade.