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Table No. 20. Table showing the Capital Cost, Working-expenses, and Revenue of the Telephone Exchanges, Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment.

I! Year. CD . !-l to .a a Capital Cost for Instruments, Wire, Poles, Labour, Freight, Superintendence, <fcc. Average Cost of Total for all each Con- Connections, nection. Salaries and Allowances of Clerks, &c. Woi Materials and Linemen. Working-expenses. irking-expenses. Interest on Rent. Fuel, 1 Capital and Light, Paper, Wear-and- Printing, tear, &c* Binding, &c. Total. Balance of Revenue —: over Workingexpenses. Annual Rate per Cent. yielded on Capital Cost. Total for the year ended 31st March,— 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 .. .. .. ' 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 '.. ' 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 .. ! 116 379 715 1,075 1,710 2,038 2,153 2,249 2,402 2,587 3,080 3,690 4,244 4,616 5,143 5,747 5,787 6,203 7,150 8,210 9,260 10,633 12,105 14,423 15,333 17,403 20,402t 22,815t 25,212t 28,093 31,475 36,374 41,982 46,260 50,308 52.986 .. I 57,196 .. 1 61,298 : I £ s. d. 21 16 6 21 16 6 21 16 6 21 18 6 20 S 6 19 19 5 22 19 0 23 18 10 24 4 1 24 17 1 24 16 11 24 16 11 24 12 1 25 6 3 24 6 6 23 7 4 24 11 6 24 5 3 22 14 1 21 9 7 20 18 0 20 2 6 19 19 8 21 19 7 23 13 9 24 2 2 24 18 4 25 18 9 27 2 7 27 17 8 27 18 0 27 11 7 29 11 6 32 9 1 33 2 7 34 7 3 35 6 3 35 15 11 £ 2.531 8.271 15,604 23,461 37,319 40,686 49,407 53,849 58,229 64,294 76,579 91,687 104,425 116.845 125,108 134,299 142,218 150.490 162,333 176,349 193,511 213,966 241,903 295,029 363,192 420,088 508,408 591,760 683,986 783,382 878,133 1.003,131 1.241,628 1,501,482. 1,666,561 1,820,860 2.019.892 2,194,238 £ 613 5,014 7,746 10,008 12,294 15,477 16,881 17,613 18,581 19,961' 18,571 19,155 21,771 21,552 25,933 29,248 36,422 39,718 43,303 49,117 55,542 62.151 71,028 79,061 89,542 100,814 116,852 131,249 144,298 161,173 179,123 201,237 232,190 303,856} 287,547 317,275 344,368 373,169 £ 285 595 695 1,770 2,849 2,873 3,119 3,316 3,790 4,192 4,630 7,405 7,720 9,285 9,686 12,306 14,181 15,030 15,710 16,304 18,448 20,885 23,359 25,122 26,507 32,914 38,108 47,224 52,315 54,819 62,588 69,078 80,720 88,231 104,950 97.681 97,665 111,796 £ 275 595 770 1,590 1,704 1,580 2,252 2,249 2,206 2,249 2,345 2,696 3,313 4,253 5,304 7,398 11,834 16.190 20,847 18,226 20,570 22,078 22,508 26,782 \ 22,576 26,145 36,813 32,995 28,755 39,814 33,791 42,192 53,823 42,548 62,682 71,022 87,664 I 110.271 253 827 1,560 2,346 3,732 4,069 4,941 5,344 5,823 6,429 7,658 9,169 10,442 11,685 12,510 13,430 7,111 7,525 8,117 8,817 9,675 10,698 12,095 14,751 18,159 21,004 25,420 29,588 34,199 39,169 43,907 50,156 62,081 75,074 83,328 91,043 1 100,994 109,712 £ 150 300 350 475 700 320 330 335 375 395 393 464 742 818 1,952 1,857 1,882 1,861 1,893 2,001 2,079 2,615 2,986 4,448 5,270 6,163 6,902 7,265 7,741 8,031 8,725 9,764 11,744 12,878 13.429 15,115 16,765 20.087 963 2,317 3,375 6,181 8,985 8,842 10,642 11,244 12,194 13,265 15,026 19,734 22,217 26,041 29,452 34,991 35,008 40,606 46,567 45,348 50,772 56,276 60,948 71,103 72,512 S6,226 107,243 117,072 123,010 141,833 149,011 171,190 208,368 218,731 264,389 274,861 303,088 351,866 I £ 207 , 4,492 3,653 3,827 5,011 6,635 6,239 6,368 6,387 6,695 3,544 -578 -446 -3,420 -3.519 -5,742 1,413 -887 -3,264 3,768 4,769 5,874 10,080 7,958 17,029 14,587 9,608 14,176 21,287 19,340 30,112 30,047 23,822 85,125 i 23.158 42,414 41,280 21,303 < 8-17 54-31 23-41 16-31 13-42 16-30 12-63 11-82 11-00 10-43 4-63 Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. 0-99 Loss. Loss. 2-14 2-46 2-75 4-17 2-69 4-69 3-47 1-89 2-40 311 2-46 3-43 2-99 1-92 567 1-40 2-33 2 04 0-97 * This column includes 5 per cent, for wear-and-tea,r and 5 per cent, for debenture capital, except in 1897-98 and following years, in which only 5 per cent, for debenture capital is included. t In former returns extensions were included for these three years. 1 Increase due to alterations in date of collecting half-yearly subscriptions, a proportion of which under the old system would have fallen into 1915-16 receipts.