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GABLE BUSINESS. Hereunder are shown tho number and value of cable messages forwarded from New Zealand during the financial year 1918-19, in comparison with tho figures for 1917-18 :—

The Dominion's outward International and Australian cable business, excluding Press, for the same two years was as follows : — International. Number of Value. Messages. £ 1918-19 ... ... 87,828 ... ... ... 159,265 1917-18 ... ... 99,585 ... ... ... 140,213 Decrease 11,757 = 11-80 per cent. Increase 19,052 = 1358 per cent. Australian. Number of Value. Messages. £ 1918-19 ... ... ... 86,110 ... ... 23,1.89 1917-18 ... ... ... 80,779 ... ... 21,601 Increase 5,331 = 6-59 per cent. 1,588 = 735 per cent There was a total decrease of 6,426 messages, and an increase in value of £24,640.

4—F. 1.

Via Pacific. Ordinary. Destination. ! Number of Tr , Messages. Valuc - iary. Pre! is. Value. : Number of Messages. Value. £ International... ... ... ... ... 45,798 82,533 Australian ... ... ... ... ... 57,549 15,095 £ 82,533 15,095 275 207 £ 627 111 Totals for 1918-19 ... ... ... 103,347 97,628 482 738 Totals for 1917-18 ... ... ... 114,046 92,146 230 355 Via Eastern. i Ordinary. Destination. Number of , 7 , ,, Value. Messages. Prei IS. Number of Messages, Value. £ International... ... ... ... ... 42,030 76,732 Australian ... ... ... ... ... 28,561 8,094 9 1,269 £ 17 549 Totals for 1918-19 ... ... ... 70,591 81,826 70,591 84,826 1,278 566 Totals for 1917-18 ... ... ... 66,318 69,668 i 66,818 69,668 1,316 648 |