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. . Enclosure. Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 23rd December, 1918. Memorandum for His Excellency the Governor-General. The Acting Prime Minister presents his compliments to His Excellency the Governor-General, and, with reference to the Royal Warrant dated the I.Bth May, 1899, as amended by that of the 3rd August, 1902, relative to the constitution and creation of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration, respectfully suggests that the Army Council be requested to consider an amendment which it is proposed to make to the New Zealand regulations governing the award of this decoration. At the present time, under the New Zealand regulations, honorary colonels to regiments may become eligible for the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration by serving for twenty years in that capacity. It is proposed to so amend the regulations that the decoration will not be issuable to other than officers who have served actively as commissioned officers for the required period of twenty years. Two copies of the New Zealand regulations governing the issue of this decoration are attached for His Excellency's information. The suggestion is that para. 15 (1.) (b) of the regulations be cancelled, and the following substituted : — " (6.) Honorary Colonels who before their appointment as such have performed twenty years' commissioned service as active regimental officers, and Chaplains having the qualifying service of twenty years." J. Allen, Acting Prime Minister. Regulations for the New Zealand Fcwrces, 1917.—Amended Regulations. 15. The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration is issued in accordance with the Royal Warrant of the 18th May, 1919, subject to the following conditions: — (1.) (a.) Officers having twenty years' commissioned service, which need not be continuous. (h.) Honorary Colonels and Honorary Chaplains who have the qualifying service of twenty years. , (c.) Officers who have retired and have qualifying service. Qua Hfying Ser vic e. (2.) («.) Service rendered partly in the local Forces of one colony or protectorate, or partly in the local Forces of one or more colonies or protectorates, and partly in the Auxiliary Forces of Great Britain, shall be reckoned, service on the west coast of Africa counting double. (h.) Half the time served in the ranks of the Auxiliary Forces of any colony or protectorate, Indian Volunteers, or the Auxiliary Forces of Great Britain shall also be reckoned. (3.) Service of the N.Z. Staff Corps, R.N.Z.A., or in Defence Rifle Clubs shall not reckon as qualifying service for the decoration. (i.) Application for the decoration shall be made i i writing by the officer commanding the corps to which the applicant belongs to the Officer Commanding the District, who shall forward it, together with his recommendation, as provided for in para. (5), to the G.O.C. N.Z. Forces. Particulars of applicant's service shall be inserted and verified by the Adjutant-General on Form A. The G.O.C. N.Z. Forces shall then forward his recommendation on Form B or Form C through the usual channels of correspondence to the Governor-General. Officers who have performed part of the necessary qualifying service in other portions of the Empire than New Zealand must produce particulars of the previous service, certified to by competent authority. (5.) The decoration being granted as a reward for good and long service, Os.C. Districts should in each case state in general terms the reason which in their opinion gives the applicant a claim to receive the decoration. (6.) The grant of the decoration shall be published in the Government Gazette. (7.) The letters " T.D." shall be inserted in the Army List against the name of the officer to whom the decoration is given. (8.) When the conduct oT an officer, after he has been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration, has been such as to disqualify him from wearing it, he may be deprived of it by the Governor-General. (9.) A decoration forfeited by an officer under the above provisions may be restored to him by the Governor-General. (10.) When a decoration has been lost and it is desired to replace it, a declaration must be made before a Magistrate or a Justice of the Peace, stating the circumstances under which the loss occurred, and the rank, name, company, and unit of the officer to whom the decoration belonged. This declaration shall be forwarded to the G.O.C, through the usual channel of correspondence in the case of an officer who is still serving, and direct in the case of one who has retired. The decoration shall be replaced on payment of cost if the explanation as to the loss is considered satisfactory.

Approximate of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies), £10 10s.

Authority: Marous F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington. -1919.

Price (id.]