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is 189. The following is a comparison of the average salaries paid in 1913 and 1918:— 1913. 1918. £ s. d. £ s. d. All teachers .. .. .. .. 159 8 5 187 3 1 Men .. .. .. .. .. .. 219 7 8 272 11 9 Women .. .. .. .. .. 123 5 6 153 6 6 The average salaries paid in England in 1918 are quoted as follows : — Men. Women. £ £ Head teachers.. .. .. .. .. .. 214 166 Assistants .. .. .. ... .. .. 160 122 A scale of increased salaries came into operation at the beginning of 1919, providing an average annual increase per head of about £18, ranging from £10 to £30, and further increases of a still more substantial character are now in contemplation. The salaries payable to sole or head teachers range from £130 to £450, and to assistants from £120 to £370. The same scale applies to men and women teachers. House allowances and special allowances to married assistants may be paid in addition to the scheduled salaries. The salaries and allowances payable to pupil-teachers and probationers have also been materially increased, probationers now receiving £55 or £60 per annum (according to qualifications), and pupil-teachers (now called " junior teachers ") from £60 to £65 per annum. If obliged to live away from home probationers and junior teachers receive in addition a lodging - allowance of £25 per annum, or if obliged to travel to schoool a travelling-allowance not exceeding £10 per annum. Proposals for further increases for these young teachers are also now under consideration. Status op Teachers in regard to Certificates. (Tables E2 and E3.) The table below gives a summary of the position with regard to the number of primary-school teachers who hold teachers' certificates. Figures relating to the last five years are given for purposes of comparison.

Primary Teachers in Public Schools.

The percentage (71) of certificated teachers still remains unaltered, although the percentage holding certificates higher than the D certificate has increased slightly in the last few years, if teachers of schools with an average attendance of twenty and under are excluded, the proportion of certificated teachers is 80. Including teachers of all schools, it appears that 82 per cent, of the male teachers hold certificates and 67 per cent, of the female teachers ; the fact that the great majority of very small schools are staffed by women teachers would, however, account for this difference in favour of the male teachers. Of the 3,426 certificated teachers, 37 hold Class A certificates, 246 Class B, 1,345 Class C, 1,506 Class D, and 292 Class E. It is recognized that the Class D certificate now represents a low minimum of educational qualifications for a primary-school teacher, and the necessity for improvement in the standard of attainments of public-school teachers is fully

1914. 19 lis. 1916. 1917. 1918. Number ' coSa'ge. i Number. F ?~ Centage. »""""'■•• centage. Nl ™ b «- Lntege. I Number. Percentage I. Certificated toaehers 3,282 74 3,298 71 3,322 71 3,323 71 3,426 71 I. Uncertificated teachers — (1.) Holding licenses (2.) Unlicensed 90 1,076 2 24 83 1,287 2 27 82 1,306 1 28 99 1,285 2 27 107 1,285 2 27 Total uncertificated .. 1,166 26. 1,370 29 1,388 29 1,384 29 1,392 29 Totals of I and II .. 4,448 100 4,668 100 4,710 100 4,707 100 4,818 100