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(h.) All officers must set an example to their men by showing the greatest courtesy and respect towards their superior officers and consideration towards their juniors. Disparaging remarks made in a mess concerning those in authority, whether officers or petty officers, are most subversive to discipline, and soon become known all over a ship. (i.) Having deputed an officer or man to carry out a task, he should, if circumstances admit, be given the opportunity of completing the work, as the act of taking it out of his hands is a humiliation which will give pain, particularly if undeserved. Here, again, judgment must be exercised, as many cases arise in which for efficiency's sake it is best to interfere. The above remarks must, however, be constantly borne in mind. Self-restraint will often need to be exercised in carrying them into effect. (j.) Men should be taught correct deportment by drill. Rifle exercises have an excellent result in this direction when properly carried out. These consist of — (i.) Disciplinary rifle exercises, (ii.) Rifle exercises having a direct military purpose. The distinction between these and the reason for each should be carefully explained to the men. Men must be taught that when called to " Attention " they must rigidly maintain this attitude, and failure to do so should be regarded as an offence. They should, however, never be kept at " Attention " for longer periods than are necessary, as it then becomes impossible to maintain the correct attitude. Officers in charge of instruction should drill their men befoie turning this duty over to an instructor. The officer should aim at being able to demonstrate that he can drill them better than the instructor. (k.) Life on board ship brings people into very close contact, if not into collision, and every one must bear in mind the necessity for exercising tolerance towards others and endeavouring to " pull together " for the good of the ship and the Service. At the same time, smartness and efficiency must be the essentials for which every one is working. (I.) The promotion of a strong sense of esprit de corps in a body of officers and men, whether belonging to a ship or any other unit, will prove to be of great assistance in the maintenance of discipline ; consequently this should be aimed at. Whilst endeavouring to instil a high sense of duty and good discipline in its best form into the personnel, everything possible should be done that will add to the comfort of the ships' companies. Great attention should be paid to the diet, both as regards its composition and the method of its preparation. (m.) Men's living-quarters should also be made as comfortable as possible, and good facilities provided for reading and writing, amusements, playing games, washing, stowage of kits, &c. Married men should, whenever possible, be given facilities for seeing their families. A. —Remarks on Discipline. 1. In a consideration of the question of discipline one is, in these days, at once brought face toface with the difficulty presented by the prevailing spirit of the times. This spirit is usually roughly described as " Democracy " ; but to a large extent it means a disinclination to accept any form of restraint, and a desire for unrestricted freedom of life and action. From the point of view of the State this attitude of mind is regrettable and may be dangerous. In the Naval service such an attitude of indiscipline is quite incompatible either with efficiency in general or with the happiness and well-being of any particular unit. (a.) That lack of discipline is incompatible with efficiency in, war needs no demonstration ; or, if demonstration be required, it can easily be supplied by those who have had experience in handling bodies of men on active service. (b.) That lack of discipline is dangerous even in times of peace is almost equally obvious. If officers and men are allowed to fall into indolence, if discipline is insensibly relaxed, even the best ships' companies will quickly be reduced to a condition both inefficient and contemptible. And it may be-