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Drill. 9. Physical exercise generally, and drill, for instilling discipline, must form part of the routine of all units. Flying. 10- During the latter part of the war pilots were generally specialized on one type of machine — e.g., flying-boats, ship-aeroplanes, light day bombers, artillery reconnaissance, &c. How far this policy will be continued in peace-time is not yet known, but with the small.ail" personnel available it is recommended that as far as possible all pilots should have a, wide air experience of different types of machines in use. Preliminary instruction to all pilots can well, be carried out on aeroplanes — specialization on different types taking place after this instruction. Interchange of Ideas. 11. It is very desirable that pilots for naval work should be acquainted with ship routine, and should be able to appreciate some of the problems, from the naval officer's point of view, in wdiich they will have to take their part in the air. Conversely, much greater efficiency would result if Naval officers appreciated fully the difficulties and problems with which aircraft have to deal from the flying-man's point of view. Interchange of experience and ideas on these subjects is most necessary. Training Afloat. 12- AH pilots should spend a proportion of their time afloat. Two months a year is suggested tentatively, but the exact time must be determined after practical experience. During this time instruction can be carried out in the following subjects : boatwork ; naval flags and signals ; flashing ; semaphore ; knowledge of system and difficulties of fire-control and torpedo-control ; torpedo running and preparation ; navigation and pilotage ; , officer of the watch ; appreciation, of formations and manoeuvres ; functions of cruiser screens, &c. 13. Instruction must be systematic to be of value, and the ship's officers must realize that the success or otherwise of the scheme will depend largely on their efforts. Junior officers should assist with a division, and obtain experience in handling men in this way. 14. Another subject on which instruction is required is a knowledge of confidential books. This subject has been much neglected in the past, but it is essential that pilots should know what intelligence and information is available on board, and how such is obtained. Methods of coding and decoding should also be taught, as this has to be done in the case of W/T signals in the air. Instruction Ashore and in the Air. 15. Gunnery exercises, torpedo preparation and running from aircraft, rigging sheers and derricks*, splicing*, bends and hitches*, recognition of ships both naval and merchant*, aerial navigation, meteorology, first aid, photography, intelligence systems, and methods of anti-submarine defence should be taught. Knowledge of engines and rigging is of course a fundamental part of a pilot's training, and this must be carried out most carefully. It must be remembered that to keep pilots and observers efficient the majority of their time will have to be spent ashore at air-stations where regular flying practice can be obtained. Men. 16. Men with skilled trades, such as fitters, turners, &c, require very little extra training to make them skilled engine hands (say three months). Similarly, good carpenters take very little time to become skilled riggers and to learn repairs. These facts make the training of any desired reserve a comparatively simple matter.

* These subjects may be taught either afloat or ashore.