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CHAPTER IV. Training. Containing Section (A) General —The Training Service. ~ (B) Gunnery Training. „ (C) Torpedo Training. ~ (D) Mine-sweeping Training. ~ (E) Mining Training. ~ (F) Submarine Training. ~ (G) Anti-submarine Training. ~ (H) Signal and Wireless Telegraphy Training. ~ (I) Engineering Training. ~ (J) War Training of the Merchant Service. ~ (K) Training of the Auxiliary Patrol Service in War. ~ (L) Air Training. ~ (M) Organization o£ Scientific Research. (A) General The Training Service. Preliminary Remarks. The question of training is one which requires constant attention, and revision if the highest standard of efficiency is to be maintained. The Royal Navy, owing to its size, has great facilities for gaining experience. The training regulations are based on the experience thus gained, and it is strongly recommended that the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy should adopt the procedure and regulations issued from time to time by the Admiralty for use in the Royal Navy. The advantage of having the whole Navy trained on similar lines must be apparent. Boys' Training Service. In order to provide accommodation for the training of boys and stokers on entry, it is recommended that H.M.S. ' Philomel " should be fitted out as a stationary Training Establishment, accommodation being provided for the following, in addition to the instructional and ship's staff —viz., 100 to 120 boys, 50 stokers. For purposes of training, the " Philomel " should be provided with an armament comprising one 6 in. B.L. gun Mark VII or later, one 4 in. Q.F. gun Mark IV or V, two 12-pr. Q.F. guns. Two of the guns to be fitted with laying teachers, and a 6 in., a 4 in., and a 12-pr. loader to be provided. One modern-type searchlight also to be installed. Wellington is recommended as being the most suitable and central port at which the " Philomel " should be stationed whilst the officers are employed on duties at the Navy Office. At a later period it may be desirable to move her to Queen Charlotte Sound or Pelorus Sound, where the climate and surroundings are more suitable. Whilst the ship is at Wellington she should be moored in a position which would keep the boys under training clear of the city, whilst affording opportunities for recreation. A ground should be obtained near the ship. It may be possible to find a suitable place in Evans Bay or off Petone. The Commanding Officer of the Training Establishment should be an officer of the rank of Commander. The officers and instructional staff should be very carefully selected, and it is desirable for this reason that special emoluments should attach to the post of Instructor.