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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



It* Item. 3m. 1918-19. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- continued. VOTE No. 2— continued. Other Charges for.and incidental to — continued. 5 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 6 War bonus to officers of the Department £ £ 5 10 1,650 6 Total—Vote No. 2... 8,510 11 11,050 1 GENERAL EXPENSES. 1918-19. Total number of officers .. 38 VOTE No. 3. 1 Salaries— Library — Chief Librarian Assistant Librarian 5 Assistants in Library: 1 at £330, 1 at £300, 1 at £240, 1 at £230, 1 at £220 Binder for Parliamentary Library Attendant Messenger 625 430 1,320 205 220 200 3,000 ,' 2 Hansard Staff and Reporters — Chief Reporter 11 Reporters: 6 at £400, 3 at £395, 1 at £365, 1 at £315 (also Reporter, Supreme Court, £175) Hansard Supervisor Hansard Supervisor's Assistant (also Clerk, Government Printing Office, £100) Clerk to Hansard Supervisor Hansard Indexer 2 Committee Reporters: 1 at £220, 1 at £210 Extra assistance for Hansard 640 4,265 440 225 300 165 430 50 6,515 3 Miscellaneous Salaries— Officer-iu-Charge, Parliament Buildings... Electrician in charge of lighting, bolls, and telephones during session Attendants, Officer in Charge's stall: 1 at 12s. 6d., 2 at 12s., 1 at lis. 6d., 1 at lis., and 1 at 10s. 6d. per diem Attendants, charwomen, and watchmen, Is. pe.r day (increase) 4 Gardeners at 10s. per diem 2 Night-watchmen at £183 ... Extra Watchmen (including Guard in grounds) 550 100 1,272 620 626 366 2,945 6,479 15,994