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k>. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address or Writer. Decision of Conuufosion. I " ~~ " 37 Waitaki Protesting on behalf of residents against the inclusion of that portion of the Maniototo County from Idaburn to Beck's in the proposed Waitaki Electorate Petition from the residents of St. Bathan's, Lauder, and Idaburn Ridings of Maniototo County to be included in Wakatipu Electoral District R. Scott, M.P., Kyebum, Otago Central I. Scott, M.]\, Kyoburn, Otago Central Acceded to as far tl as practicable. 38 Waitaki Noil Nicholson, St. Bathan's, and 42 others lei] Nicholson, St. Bathan's, and 42 others lounoillor E. Morgan. Maniototo County, i. Acceded to for the 2 Lauder and St. Bathan's Ridings; impracticable as regards Idaburn. i, Acceded to. Waitaki Petition from the electors of Lauder Hiding of Maniototo County to be included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Protesting against the inclusion in proposed Waitaki Electorate of the area surrounding St. Bathan's Riding of Maniototo County, and the area converging on Hawea Riding of Vincent County Protesting against the inclusion in proposed Waitaki Electorate of the Hawea Riding of Vincent County Protest by residents of Hawea Hiding of Vincent County against exclusion from proposed Wakatipu Electoral .District Protest by residents of Hawea Plat of Vincent County against exclusion from proposed Wakatipu Electoral District Protesting against the inclusion of Middlemarch Township in proposed Tuapeka Electorate Protesting on behalf of proprietors of Middlemarch hotels against inclusion in proposed Tuapeka Electorate Petition from residents of Clark's against inclusion of the hotel at Clark's in proposed Tuapeka Eleotoral District Petition from residents of Lee Stream against the inclusion of the hotel at Lee Stream in the Tuapeka Eleotoral .District Petition from residents and electors of Outram and surrounding district against inclusion in the proposed Tuapeka Electorate Requesting that the district from Waikoikoi, Merino Downs, to Moa Flat Watershed be included in Clutha Electoral District, and that the Borough of Kaitangata be left in proposed Tuapeka Eleotoral District Requesting that the district lying between Waikoikoi and Moa Flat be included, in the Clutha Electoral District Petition from residents of Merino Downs to include portion in proposed Tuapeka Electorate in the Clutha Electorate Suggesting that the portion of Merino Downs included in proposed Tuapeka Electorate be included in the Clutha Electorate Petition from residents of Heriot that district lying between Waikoikoi and Moa Plat be included in the Clutha Electoral District Petition from electors in and around Heriot to have the township included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Objecting to the hotel at Heriot being included in the Tuapeka Electorate Petition from electors in and around the towniof Dunkeld and Bastings to be included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Forwarding resolution carried by Bruce County Council strongly protesting against the name " Tuapeka " being substituted for " Bruce " Forwarding resolution carried by Milton Borough Council against the name " Tuapeka " being substituted for ' ; Bruoe " Councillor B. Morgan, Maniototo County, and 52 others James Aiistey, M.P. 39 4(1 Waitaki and 52 others ames Aiistey, M.P. Protest sustained. Waitaki R. Poison, President, Expansion League, Lindis Crossing Smith, Tarras . . I. Poison, President, Expansion League. i, ; Protest sustained. II 42 Waitaki Lindis Crossing Smith, Tarras . . Protest sustained. Waitaki 1). Urquhart and P. McCarthy, Hawea. Elat >. Urquhart an<l P. McCarthy, Hawea Protest sustained, i 4:! 44 Tuapeka -James Muir, Middlemarch flat ames Muir, Middlemarch Protest sustained. 45 Tuapeka Hislop, Lang, and Patterson, solicitors, Dunedin N. J. Mac Donald, Clark's, and 47 others .lames Borthwick, Lee Stream, and 12 others Francis D o h e r t y, farmer, Outram, and 501 others A. S.Malcolm, M.P.. . lislop, Lang, and Patterson, solici1 Protest sustained. 6 Tuapeka tors, Dunedin .1. Mac Donald, Clark's, and 47 , Protest sustained. 7 ■7 Tuapeka others ames Borthwick, Lee Stream, and 12 ,», j Protest sustained. > ■8 Tuapeka others rancis D o h e r t y, farmer, Outram, , Acceded to. 49 Tuapeka and 501 others . S. Malcolm, M.P.. . Acceded to as far as practicable. Tuapeka William MoKenzie, Dunrobin, and 95 others Alex. Brock, (Jlenkenich, and 23 others Charles Todd, Heriot /illiam MoKenzie, Dunrobin, and 95 others , Acceded to as tar as i practicable. 50 r>1 Tuapeka ocnera lex. Brock, Glenkenich, and 23 Acceded to. ( 52 Tuapeka others harles Todd, Heriot t Acceded to. 53 Tuapeka William Walker, jun., Heriot, a n d 23 others R. E. Hyde, .I.P., Heriot, ' and 293 others Samuel Dunn, licensee, Heriot E d w a r d Pearson, Beaumont, and 37 others William Roy, Clerk, Bruoe County Council Town Clerk, Milton Borough ( -ounoi] /illiam Walker, jun., Heriot, a n d 23 , Acceded to. 54 Tuapeka others -. E. Hyde, J.P., Heriot, ' and 293 , Cannot be given 1 effect to. fi. r ) Tuapeka others imuel Dunn, licensee Heriot (I w a r,d Pearson, Beaumont) and, 37 e, Cannot b<3 given effect to. , Acceded to. 36 Tuapeka 57 Tuapeka others illiam Hoy, Clerk, Bruoe County Council , I Name " Bruce" to ■ j. be retained. Tuapeka oil own Clerk, Milton Borough ( Jounoi] i Name " Bruce " to lie retained. 58