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List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1917 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 534 450 611 1030 472 451 145 907 888 481 1026 363 466 701 947 147 376 930 660 229 196 800 431 957 940 234 149 1029 679 628 1022 878 152 698 883 82 452 664 253 303 153 749 154 1027 386 255 415 453 267 665 789 243 573 581 666 509 738 261 965 1019 722 387 978 Brought forward. . Harvey, James Hastie, Thomas Hatchard, Henry ... Hay, Joseph Hazelwood, Alfred W. Heath, Joseph PI. E. Heidenstrom, C. P. S. Henaghan, Patrick... Hennah, William H. Henry, Eichard Herbert, Patrick Heywood, James B. Hickman, Thomas ... Hickson, Eichard J. S. Pliggins, William H. Hill, George Hill, Silvanus C. Hill, William Hilliard, William ... Hird, William J. ... Hodge, John G. Hogg, Eobert Holloway, Luke H. Hooper, John E. Howard, Margaret... Hume, Arthur Humphries, Thomas Hunt, Francis W. ... Hunter William Hyams, Isaac Indor, Simeon Ingpen, Francis A.B Ironside, Alexander Isbister, William ... Israel, Ernest A. ... Jacobs, Nathaniel ... Jamieson, Charles ... Jamieson, John Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, John Johnson, Henry D. Johnson, Eobert A. Jones, Edmund Jones, Fredk. Alfred Jones, Lucy M. Jordan, George Joslin, Daniel Kahi, Hoani Kavanagh, Henry P. Kelling, Ernest C. ... Kelly, William Kennaway, Sir Walter Kennedy, James Kepple, William Kerr, Alexander Key, John Philip ... Keys, George A. Kidson, Charles B.... Kiernan, Henry W. Kilfoyle, Thomas ... King, John William King, Joshua King, Thomas £ s. d. 31,547 1 9 143 3 0 58 7 0 71 15 0 217 4 0 96 13 0 90 6 0 44 19 7 115 3 0 143 9 0 45 15 0 194 0 0 521 13 0 115 12 0 112 4 0 157 2 0 20 10 1 159 8 0 3rf 16 0 115 5 0 27 18 0 57 8 0 29 6 0 183 12 0 207 6 0 45 15 0 339 5 11 466 13 4 220 0 0 88 3 0 155 13 0 284 11 0 183 1 0 115 8 10 226 1 0 159 16 0 47 11 7 58 1 0 36 0 0 152 8 11 98 11 0 119 8 0 254 3 0 59 4 5 13 8 0 17 4 0 106 4 0 84 5 0 94 6 0 81 13 4 198 5 0 127 18 0 474 15 0 97 2 0 112 17 0 31 5 0 79 18 0 162 18 0 72 5 0 159 10 0 173 7 0 297 13 0 145 5 0 190 6 0 Carried forward ... 40,343 16 9

P 7 o » on Name. Annual Amount. Brought forward... 113 King, William J. ... 606 Kirker, Thomas 306 Knapp, Charles 455 Knight, PYederick ... 499 Knowles, William W. 600 Landers, John 79 Larchin, Thomas ... 212 Laseron, Edward W. 559 Law, George 997 Lechner, Eichard E. 971 Le Cocq, Thomas W. 952 Ledger, John L. H. 710 Levy, Mark J. 680 Lewis, Henry J. 681 Liddell, James W. ... 383 Lindesay, Thomas ... 533 Lindsay, John 385 Livingstone, Thomas 308 Lloyd, David 640 Logan, Samuel F. ... 716 Lomas, John 682 Iiopas, John B. 485 Lord, John Owen ... 905 Lucas, Alfred 820 Lynch, John 529 Lynch, Eobert F. ... 700 Lyons, William ... 392 Maben, Thomas ... 467 Macalister, Eobert ... 667 MacDermott, William 101 Macdonald, John S. 22 MacGoun, Duncan M. 925 Mackay, John 1015 Mackay, Julia 739 Mackay, William J. 890 Mackenzie, James ... 740 Mackley, John C. ... 217 Maclean, Alex. H. ... 618 Magill, William ... 862 Maher, Fanny 913 Mann, Arnold W. ... 942 Mansfield, Fred. W. 158 Marr, Beaton 863 Martin, Edwin 214 Martin, George 215 Martin, Henry 205 Martin, William ... 1016 Martin, William ... 959 Maxwell, Henry ... 985 Mayne, Thomas ... 257 Medland, Eobert H. 877 Melton, John 359 Menzies, George G. 583 Menzies, Walter W. 717 Millais, Henry W. H. 741 Millar, Thomas L. ... 821 Miller, David 87 ' Mills, Alfred 399 Mills, Ann 742 Mills, Clara 801 Mitchell, Alfred J.... 88 Mitchell, James 765 Moloney, Matthew... £ s. d. 40,343 16 9 3 13 0 173 7 0 104 0 6 101 13 0 77 9 0 57 9 0 204 16 2 44 6 7 60 10 0 195 11 0 197 8 0 400 0 0 129 7 0 119 -11 0 19 18 0 56 17 0 36 5 0 160 7 0 78 0 4 161 10 0 217 7 0 52 13 0 29 6 0 100 10 0 132 17 0 257 3 0 130 13 0 41 15 0 64 2 0 167 1 0 90 19 11 48 0 0 265 3 0 27 7 0 92 4 0 519 9 0 45 17 0 178 15 11 136 1 0 80 4 0 274 9 0 290 14 0 53 15 0 109 6 0 101 9 5 110 5 10 51 2 4 164 3 0 141 3 0 112 12 0 106 9 0 206 10 0 103 13 0 172 10 0 181 3 0 153 7 0 454 3 0 61 5 4 5 17 0 36 6 0 272 19 0 77 11 7 143 2 0 Carried forward ... |48,786 18 8